Despite this being the time of year when most are on holiday, many of us have stayed closer to home. Now that the Covid 19 rules have been somewhat relaxed, our members have been out and about enjoying the plethora of gardens open for visits.
Christopher visited the Stowell Park Estate near Bourton on the Water, open for the NGS where he took some stunning pictures. Members have also enjoyed a trip to Slimbridge WWT reserve for a “behind the scenes” tour hosted by reserve manager Dave Paynter. And despite the limitations posed by the pandemic, the Club was determined to stage the ever popular annual Garden Safari.
Members enjoyed visiting four very different village gardens followed by a delicious supper – and the odd glass of wine!
Our thanks to all those who graciously opened their gardens for this very special occasion. In spite of the very peculiar weather conditions lately, our own gardens have begun to blossom with stunning morning glory, echinacea and delphiniums not to mention the wild orchids and poppies brightening up the grass verges.
We are now busy planning our next get-together, which will be (drum roll please!) an in-person talk at the Amberley Parish Rooms on Wednesday 8th September at 7.30 pm. Our guest speaker is the entertaining and extremely knowledgeable nurseryman Bob Brown. So do please come along and support him, and us.
This will be the first of many meetings and events to come so if you would like to join as a member, please contact for further details.
Sue Oakey, PR and Marketing, Amberley Gardening Club
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