Hello everyone, It is disappointing that it has been such dismal weather for the beginning of the school holidays. We can only hope that it gets better and soon Giffords Circus will be in town which will cheer everyone up. As listed below there are a lot of activities going on for children and young people of all ages, so hopefully they will have a summer to remember. Minch Fayre on Saturday, 9th September is approaching fast. We all need to spread the word and attract as many people as possible to our town for this special event. It is the 754th anniversary of this Fayre – it first took place is 1269. We are all guardians of this remarkable relic of mediaeval life – it is one of the oldest surviving historical events in the region with a heritage that goes back further than Stow Horse Fair (1476), Wassailing (1486), the Cotswold Olimpicks (1612), Gloucester Day (1643), Tetbury Woolsack Races (17th century), Cheltenham races (1815), and even the local event which is beamed around the globe every year, the world famous Cooper’s Hill Cheese Rolling (circa 1400). This year will also see the 40th Anniversary of the Gardening Show taking place on the same day. Read more about that below. There will be all the usual fun events – stalls, pageant with the Town Crier and all the children, vintage car procession and display, live music, children’s activities, a fun dog show (see below), choirs, dance displays, morris dancers and so much more. This year we are introducing the Moo Race. This is a new addition to the attractions at Minch Fayre. Moo Race The idea is people dress up in cow costume of some sort and run around a short route carrying buckets of “milk”. There will be a trophy for the overall winner and prizes for best costume and fastest team. There are three categories – Bulls (all aged 18+), Heifers (all aged 18+) and Mixed Herds (families with at least one adult aged 18+ and children aged 12+). There will be teams of four with a maximum of six teams in each category. Families are welcome, and letters have gone out to clubs and organisations in the town inviting them to join in too. Don’t miss out on this fun event! More information is on the website here and any questions can be emailed to info@minchlife.com. The Charity Fun Dog Show is coming to town! Sixteen fun classes. Rosettes and Trophies will be awarded. Hosted by Five Valleys’ Dog Training School, presented by owner and “loudest voice in the business” – Julie Cull. Telephone entries prior to the show 07487710767 . Entry fees – £2.50 per class. £6 for three classes. Look forward to seeing you there. Volunteers There is a great need for people to help by volunteering in Minchinhampton. As you will see below the Library is one organisation of many requiring assistance as is MinchLife, the new Horsfall House shop and countless more. Please think hard about whether you could help or might know of someone who could. Minchinhampton Theatre Trips (A message from Chris Stevens) It’s nearly time to be booking autumn trips to the theatre. Three autumn trips are planned: Calendar Girls the Musical in Cheltenham on 27th September @2.00pm The ticket and coach costs £63.00, which needs to be booked with me and paid for by 15th September. Simon Reeve’s talk ‘To the Ends of the Earth’ in Malvern at 7.30pm on 1st November Ticket and coach costs £55.28 to be booked and paid by 6thSeptember The Woman in Black, an adaptation of Susan Hill’s novel in Malvern at 2.30pm on 8th November Ticket and coach costs £47.50 to be paid for by 13th September We also have reserved tickets for Hamilton in Bristol on 22ndMay 2024, and although this is so far ahead it has to be paid for on 18th September, because it’s so popular, which is also why it’s so expensive, £95 for ticket and coach, but we do have good seats in the stalls. Please email me to say which productions you are interested in, then pay, preferably by bank transfer. It is ‘first come, first served’, but I could try to get more seats if necessary, but need to know in good time. The coach leaves from Dr Brown’s Road and the Market Square and returns to the same places. If you don’t have the list of all the bookings we have, or have questions, or to tell me you would like to come, please email me cajbs@hotmail.co.uk I do hope lots of you will like these productions and want to come. Longfield Fete – 5th August There will be stalls, food and drink, games, live music, entertainment and lots more. It’s also an opportunity to have a look inside the Wellbeing Centre and learn about the incredible services Longfield offer. For more information visit here. Cotswold Gliding Club (CGC) is currently hosting the 50th Anniversary International Rally of the Vintage Glider Club at Aston Down airfield until Sunday 6th August. With about 70 gliders and over 200 owners and their support teams attending, many coming from Europe and further afield, there will be a spectacular and colourful display of vintage gliders dating from 1936 to the mid-60s, both on the ground and in the air. It should be possible to see the airborne gliders from most locations near Aston Down. However, members of the public wishing to enter the airfield itself will need to book their visit in advance by ringing 01285 702100 on Wednesday or Saturday between 9.00am and 3.00pm. Susi, the CGC Admin Manager will be pleased to arrange an escorted tour of this very special event. For more information of the rally, click here: And for more information of the Vintage Glider Club, click here: Minchinhampton Community Library The new bespoke reading challenge is now underway, open to all children until Saturday, 16th September – the theme being Music – and it is not too late to sign up. The library is holding several events this summer and those participating in The Library Challenge will obtain a stamp and sticker for coming along. Please note that all children’s events are free, do not need to be booked, and children must be accompanied by an adult. On Thursday, 3rd August and Tuesday, 22nd August there are summer craft sessions for children aged 3+, and on Saturday, 19th there is a creative lego session, again for children aged 3+. On Thursday, 24th there is ‘Wildwood Odyssey’. Taking inspiration from our local common and woodland, children will work with a local musician and songwriter, to create a ‘soundscape’ folk story. Percussion instruments will be provided, and children are invited to bring their own instruments if they wish. This session is suitable for children over 7 years old. Then on Saturday, 2nd September there will be two Story & Song sessions for children aged 5 and under. If you can offer a couple of hours of assistance to help run the library, ideally on a regular basis, please make contact with one of the volunteers behind the desk, email secretary@mclt.org.uk or call 01453 885497. There are different activities you can volunteer for in addition to working on the desk, you could help maintain the garden, help organise events and displays, or help run a library club. Tuesday Storytelling Club Looking for something to do in the school holidays? Every Tuesday during August there will be a storytelling club for children aged 2-5 (but all welcome) at 10.00-10.30am in Amberley’s new Shop on the Common. Minchinhampton Gardening Club As mentioned last month, Minchinhampton Flower and Produce show schedules for the 40th Anniversary Show on Saturday, 9th September are now available in our local shops and library. Please help celebrate this show milestone by entering the classes and making it the best show yet. We stress that this is open to everyone not just Gardening Club members. Lots of classes for the children plus photography, baking jams, preserves, flowers, fruit, vegetables, handicraft section and much more. Certificates and cups to win plus rosettes for the children’s classes. Please join in the fun, entry forms included in the schedule. Cotswold Club Wish to alert members that there is a members draw which takes place every Wednesday at 8.30pm, but you have to be there to win it. It rolls over every week until there is a winner. A maximum of two numbers are drawn out and the current total is £280. It increases by £35 per week until won, and then it starts again. For members who turn up on the night there is a consolation prize of £10 to win by raffle. After the main draw, there is a higher/lower game at £1 per go – great fun. South Cotswold Bridge Club There is the annual Golf Week on at Minchinhampton New Golf Club this week and the clubhouse will be bursting at the seams. So for this Thursday 3rd August only the club will be playing at Minchinhampton Old Course Clubhouse on Minchinhampton Common at the usual times of 1.45pm for 2.0pm start. The new Beginners Bridge Course starts on Tuesday 19th September at 7.00pm at The Priory Inn Hotel, London Road, Tetbury, the course is over 20 weeks and the cost is £7 per lesson. There will also be a new Improvers Bridge Course starting Friday 3rd November at 10.00am at Minchinhampton New Golf Club. This will be a 12 week course and the cost for each lesson will be as the Beginners Course, £7 per lesson to include full notes. For further information please contact jimedwards811@gmail.com or tel 07879 400193. The Kitchen Peter and Assumpta Golding, owners of the Kitchen in the High Street, are retiring at the end of October. They have made such an impact on Minchinhampton during their five and a half years. They have always welcomed everyone warmly and served excellent food and service as well as taking part in charitable fundraising events and looking after the needs of some of the older residents. Janet Payne and Sue Simmonds have seized the initiative, knowing that many in Minchinhampton will want to say thank you to them and so have set up a separate bank account for contributions so that Peter and Assumpta can decide how they wish to use it. If you would like to make a donation by BACS the account is in their joint names, Susan Simmonds and Janet Payne, bank details are 30-98-29, account no. 12188563. Please add your name in the reference field. Closing date 20th October. Cash donations can be handed to either Sue Simmonds or Janet Payne, or contact info@minchlife.com and we can pass your details through to them. The Long Table Are open daily (closed Mondays and Sundays). Saturday dinner service at the Long Table is now going to be from 6–8pm. They are offering the same pay-as-you-can meals made with incredible local and seasonal produce. They are open for drinks and cakes from 10am-4pm on Saturday as well as for lunch from 12–2pm. Look at their website or facebook pages for events: 12th August: Situationism Sounds. Disco. 19th August: Jazz on a Summer Evening 6pm – 11pm. 22nd August: Stroud Imagines: The one about inclusion (three guest speakers) 6.30-9.30pm 26th August: Latin Extravaganza. – South American food and sound. www.the longtable online.com Burleigh Court Hotel Have a Victorian Plunge Pool which is open every day. It is available to non-residents (11 am to 3 pm) when you join them for lunch or afternoon tea. Just bring your own towel. The weekly alfresco Patio parties have now moved to Fridays, from 6.30-9.00pm Sunday, 6th BBC Three Jazz-Latin Lunch 12.30-3.30pm Friday, 18th Foraging experience followed by wild food inspired lunch. 9.30am-2.00pm Thursday, 31st The Burleigh Supper Club. – 7 course tasting menu. 6.30-9.30pm More information on all these events from their website and our events diary online. The Ragged Cot Are holding a massive Ibiza garden party, on Friday, 25th August, with tapas, paella, cocktails and a DJ. There are also regular Friday music evenings with Manos Puesta, Cygnet Duo, and Bob Porter Project. Please check the Events section on their website here, and our events diary online. Forthcoming Events for your Diary 15th September. Gin-tasting river cruise, plus time in Stratford on Avon. Coach £27, Cruise £30. More details from Ian Jarvis. 01453 833131. 24th September. Horsfall House Golf Day – postponed from July because of bad weather. 29th September. An evening with Dursley Male Voice Choir and the Stuart Singers in aid of Stroud District Food Bank – at Beaudesert School. Further Afield Cotswold Playhouse 31st August at 7.30 pm. Tickets £12. DOT Productions is proud to present this new adaptation based on Jane Austen’s Final novel ‘Persuasion’. The story of Anne Elliot who was was persuaded by friends and family to end her engagement to Frederick Wentworth. Seven years later over many humorous encounters they meet again … will they once again be persuaded to stay apart or will love conquer all? Friday,15th & Saturday, 16th September at 7.30pm. Tickets £10 ‘Through Female eyes’. This double bill of short plays begins with a Cotswold Players production of How I See Things by Sophia Spooner. This sequence of monologues gives voice to the female experience. They explore topics such as mental health, materialism, relationships, and sex. Even Numbers by Tony Domaille is a multi-award-winning production described as “successful, compelling and thought-provoking”. Mary-Ann has poisoned and killed five people so Doctor Vincent must make an assessment of her mental state for the court. But in trying to establish if she is insane, or just plain evil, a shocking truth is discovered. Both plays contain strong themes and uncomfortable topics and are aimed at adult audiences. cotswoldplayhouse.co.uk/tickets or Box Office 0333 666 3366 Events For further information of these events and details on how to book, please go to our website https://minchlife.com Also, please remember a list of regular weekly events can be found at the top of the Events’ page – click on a day of the week and you will see what is taking place, where and at what time. For instance, the weekly Community Coffee Morning (with weekly notices) is held every Monday from 10.00am-12.00 noon at the Cotswold Club, High Street. Tuesday, 1st 2.15-4.00pm Knit & Natter Minchinhampton Community Library, School Road. Email secretary@mclt.org.uk Thursday, 3rd 10.30am-12.00noon. Hampton Probus: Talbot House, a Home from Home. Cotswold Club, High Street, Minchinhampton. Members with guests by invitation. For further information contact: webmaster@hamptonprobus.co.uk Thursday, 3rd 2.00-4.00pm Summer Craft Session for children aged 3+ Minchinhampton Community Library, School Road. Free event, all children to be accompanied by an adult. Friday, 4th 6.30-8.00pm Box Bar. Box Village Hall. An enjoyable social hub for the village. Saturday, 5th 10.00am-12.00noon. Coffee Morning Porch Room, Holy Trinity Church Minchinhampton. All welcome. If you require a lift please call 01453 889004 Saturday, 5th 12.00noon-3.00pm Longfield Summer Fete Longfield, Burleigh Lane, GL5 2PQ. Free Entry. Saturday, 5th 2.00-4.00pm Cattle and the Commons Minchinhampton Common. Join Stroud Valleys Project and Hayward Mark Dawkins for a fascinating insight to commoners and their cattle. Tickets: Adults £7 (Children’s tickets sold out). Bookings here. Monday, 7th 10.30am-12.00noon Poems in the Porch Room. Porch Room, Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Welcomes all, but especially people who are living with memory problems. Contact Jo Smith on 01453 834714 for further information. Tuesday, 8th – Friday, 11th 9.30am-3.30pm Multi Sports Camp Minchinhampton Rugby Club Fun filled camp for children aged 6-12. £30 per day. Booking/further information: Steve Perkins 07925 930260 or email thecatchacademy@gmail.com Wednesday, 9th 9.00am-5.00pm Coach Trip to Leamington Spa and Guide Dog Visit with Ian Jarvis. Coach £27, Guide Dogs Tour (senior) £10 – Total £37 per person. For more information email bus@abbeyhall.info or telephone 01453 833131. Thursday, 10th – Monday, 21st August Giffords’ Circus: Les Enfants du Paradis Minchinhampton Common. For more information/bookings click here. Thursday, 10th 10.00am-12.00 noon. Minchinhampton Probus: The Magic of Glass Porch Room, Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Meeting starts 10.30am. New members and guests welcome. Contact John Collinson john.ipp.uk@gmail.com Friday, 11th 7.30-10.00pm. Minchinhampton Movie Night: Living starring Bill Nighy. Minchinhampton Market House. Tickets from the Market Stores, £6.00 (Cash only). Doors open 7.00pm. Licensed bar. Saturday, 12th 9.00am-3.30pm Teak Furniture Sale The Market House, Saturday, 12th 11.00am-3.00pm Mini Summer Fete Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Bottle Stall, Raffle, Afternoon teas and other stalls. In aid of Church funds and Masasi in Africa. Saturday, 12th 7.30-10.00pm Wendy’s Bingo and Raffle Cotswold Club, High Street. Book sales from 7.15pm. Monday, 14th 7.00-9.30pm Minchinhampton Parish Council Planning Committee Meeting The Trap House, West End. Members of the public wishing to join the meeting should email the deputy clerk to confirm details. Email: deputyclerk@minchinhampton-pc.gov.uk Tuesday, 15th – Wednesday, 16th 9.30am-3.30pm Multi Sports Camp Minchinhampton Rugby Club Fun filled camp for children aged 6-12. £30 per day. Booking/further information: Steve Perkins 07925 930260 or email thecatchacademy@gmail.com Tuesday, 15th 2.15-4.00pm Knit & Natter Minchinhampton Community Library, School Road. Email secretary@mclt.org.uk Wednesday, 16th 10.30am-12.00noon. Social Book Club. Minchinhampton Community Library, School Road. “Local Authors” will be the theme for this month’s book discussion. This can be interpreted as you wish. Thursday, 17th 10.30am-12.00noon. Hampton Probus: Gloucestershire in WW2. Cotswold Club, High Street, Minchinhampton. Members with guests by invitation. For further information contact: webmaster@hamptonprobus.co.uk Friday, 18th 12.00noon-2.30pm Friday Lunch The Porch Room, Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. All welcome to a two-course lunch. All donations will support a new project working with the Bishop of Masasi. Sign–up sheet at the back of the church to help with planning, and if you have particular dietary needs. For further information contact: Linda or Stephen Jarvis 884545. Friday, 18th 6.30-8.00pm Box Bar. Box Village Hall. An enjoyable social hub for the village. Saturday, 19th 10.30-11.30am Creative Lego Session Minchinhampton Community Library, School Road. Suitable for children aged 3+ . All children to be accompanied by an adult. Sunday, 20th 9.00-10.00am Big Top Church Service on the Common at Giffords Circus, The Park. Minchinhampton Parish Church, the Baptist Church and the churches in Box and Amberley all meet under one “Big Top” along with others who want to come and join in. Monday, 21st 7.00-9.30pm Minchinhampton Parish Council Full Meeting. Baptist Church Office Room, Tetbury Street, Minchinhampton. Members of the public wishing to join the meeting should email the clerk to confirm details. Email: clerk@minchinhampton-pc.gov.uk Monday, 21st Gardening Club Quiz, Market House. Club social – members only. Tuesday, 22nd 2.00-4.00pm Summer Craft Session for children aged 3+ Minchinhampton Community Library, School Road. Free event, all children to be accompanied by an adult. Thursday, 24th 10.00am-12.00 noon. Minchinhampton Probus: The Great Fire of London Porch Room, Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Meeting starts 10.30am. New members and guests welcome. Contact John Collinson john.ipp.uk@gmail.com Thursday, 24th 2.00-4.00pm Music Session: ‘Wildwood Odyssey’ Minchinhampton Library, School Road. Free event. For children over 7 years old. (All children to be accompanied by an adult) Friday, 25th – Sunday, 27th MinchFest 23 (Minchinhampton Festival of Sacred Music), Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Each church service will feature the music of predominantly one composer as an aid to reflection, prayer and praise. More information here. Free of charge. Friday, 25th 3.00-11.00pm Ibiza at the Ragged Cot Ragged Cot, Cirencester Road. Massive garden party with tapas, paella, cocktails and live DJ. Saturday, 26th 11.00am-1.00pm Community Dog walk with Pamper & Scamper Meet at Crown Inn. Sunday, 27th 10.30am-1.00pm Minchinhampton Walking and Wildlife Group: The canal. Meet at the Bell Lane Car Park. The walk will be down to the canal at St Mary’s Mill and along the towpath to The Ship. Lunch there and cars will be waiting to take those home who don’t want to walk back to Minch. Contact: karencolebourn@gmail.com If the weather is very poor, we will cancel by email by 9.00am. Sunday, 27th 7:45-10.00pm Arkwright’s Quiz Cotswold Club, High Street. 8.00pm start. Teams of 4, £4.00 per team. Tuesday, 29th 2.15-4.00pm Knit & Natter Minchinhampton Community Library, School Road. Email secretary@mclt.org.uk Thursday, 31st 10.00-12.00noon Stroud Businesswomens Members Informal Summer Meeting The Old Lodge, Minchinhampton Common. Buy your own drinks and join us for cake, chat and informal networking. Guests are welcome too. Non-members who would like a free introductory meeting please email enquiries@stroudbusinesswomen.org.uk Thursday, 31st 7.30-10.00pm The Crown Quiz Crown Inn, High Street, Minchinhampton. Only £1 per person entry. Bookings: email crownminchinhampton@youngs.co.uk or phone 01453 608010 As always, please do get in touch if you would like us to add anything to our newsletters or if you see any omissions or alterations. If you know of any newcomers to the town, please do tell them about MinchLife and this newsletter. Anne and Janet info@minchlife.com |

Congratulalations on the running of the Minchinhampton Fayre…..Such a hot day im sure
brought its own problems -both good and bad. Everyone had a smile and the clearing up was amazing. Not a piece of rubbish to be seen by 6.00 pm. I hope lots of money was made to support all things local.
Thank you very much for taking the time to comment – we do appreciate it!