Hello everyone,
Although the news seems to be relentlessly bleak at the moment, we have to remember that we are living in a beautiful and uplifting area. Following the extreme heatwaves, the commons are beginning to recover and the roaming cows, horses and donkeys are looking a lot happier. As autumn and winter approach, as in lockdown times we know people in Minchinhampton will pull together and help others. It will be even more important for us to support our local businesses and organisations as everyone is struggling with increased costs and shortage of staff.
Feeding the Circus
The Circus has now left Minchinhampton for another year. You may be interested though to listen to the recent Food Programme on BBC Radio 4 Sounds. It gave a good insight to Giffords, the food and how it’s sourced (one of our residents was mentioned!), and their life in the Cotswolds.
Feeding Animals
During the heatwave, some people were spotted feeding cattle and horses on the common with grass clippings thinking they were meaning well. This could make the animals very sick as gases given off by the fermenting clippings can expand to the point that they rupture the stomach (which is fatal). If the clippings do not cause rupture of the stomach, they can result in colic. Please spread the word that animals on the common should not be fed.
Tom Long’s Post
The September 2022 issue of Tom Long’s Post will be available to read on Minchinhampton Parish Council’s website via this link: https://www.minchinhampton-pc.gov.uk/latest-newsletter.html
If you would prefer to have it delivered directly to your inbox each month, please email deputyclerk@minchinhampton-pc.gov.uk to be added to the mailing list, or give staff a call on 01453 731186. Would you rather read a printed version? Please do pop into the Parish office at The Trap House, West End, Minchinhampton (the office is manned Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 8.30am to 4.00pm). Alternatively, collect your copy from the library.
The Crown
The new menus are proving very popular and there have been many comments about a huge change for the better since Youngs took over the business. There are plans for even more improvements – watch this space. They are now taking booking for Christmas parties and also for Christmas Day Lunch. Spaces are limited for Christmas Day so it is recommended that people book early to avoid disappointment.
Friday, 9th September – Tour of Britain passes near Minchinhampton.
Full timetable below. Fastest riders should be coming from Cirencester and turning into the Ragged Cot at 12.53pm and then Crackstone and past the Rugby Club.
Stroud Farm Country Store and Supplies
moved from Chalford to Cirencester Road (opposite the Ragged Cot) and opened for business on 30 August. They will shortly be selling coffee and cakes. 01453 886189. sales@stroudfarmservices.Co.uk
Cotswold Club
Members are reminded that there will be an Extraordinary General Meeting held on Tuesday, 6 September at 8.00pm. And for those of you interested in sport, don’t forget all Premier League football matches are being shown at the club.
Burleigh Court Hotel
are holding several events during September, including their Harvest Festival (an evening of wine tasing with food pairing in collaboration with Woodchester Valley Vineyard, Oktoberfest (an evening of local beer tasting with food pairing), a wild food foraging morning and Sunday Jazz lunches. For more details see the hotel website and MinchLife events diary.
Longfield Write a Will Month
Have you made your Will yet? Make September the month you do.
Make a simple Will from 1 – 30 September and 100% of all donations go to Longfield.
A huge thank you to the participating solicitors for donating their time to benefit Longfield. For more information click here.
Longfield Wellbeing Centre
The Wellbeing Centre in Minchinhampton offers a range of wellbeing sessions, complementary therapies and counselling. It has recently introduced free drop-in sessions which take place every Friday, between 10.00am and 12.00noon. They are for anyone, with a life limiting condition patients or carers, or people who have been bereaved. For more information contact 886868 or click here.
Horsfall House
A lot has been happening over the Summer at Horsfall House. The newsletter can be read here. Their latest news includes the welcoming of a new Home Care Manager Trudy Wells, who last weekend completed a skydive in aid of Horsfall House.
MinchCAN Walking+Talking Sustainability Discovery Trail
On Saturday 24 September, from 10.00am to 4.00pm, local sustainability heroes will be lining up to show off the brilliant things they do to help make our Commons communities more sustainable. You’ll be able to walk or bike (no motor vehicles!) a super-local Open Gardens/Studios type of Trail:
The entire Trail is comfortably walkable with families in a half-day – about 6½ km (4 miles), 80 to 100 minutes unhurried walking.
It features three main station stops with lots going on, where you can rest, refresh and hopefully have a good chat with other people doing the Trail – this is a talking trail!
You’ll have a route and a map to follow, but are free to explore and see as much or as little of the Trail as you like. For more information click here. or email canminch@gmail.com.
Cotswold Guided Walks
The Cotswold Lion has now been moved to an online publication. For more information about guided walks in our area please click here or call into the Minchinhampton Community Library and look for the leaflet on display.
French Lessons for primary school aged Children
La Jolie Ronde will be offering weekly lessons for 13 weeks starting on Monday, 12 September at Minchinhampton Scout Hut. It is likely that there will be sessions for 5-7 year olds at 4.00-4.30 and 7-9 year olds at 4.30-5.00pm. For further information contact juliettecarpenter@googlemail.com or 07967 712350.
South Cotswold Bridge Club
Is continuing to hold duplicate sessions on Thursday afternoons at 2.00pm start at Minchinhampton New Golf Club. There is also a new Beginners Bridge course starting on Tuesday, 6 September at 7.00pm in Tetbury. The course will run over 20 weeks with each lesson being part theory and part playing prepared hands. For more information email jimedwards811@gmail.com or telephone 07879 400193.
Productions from the Cotswold Playhouse
For more information and reservations cotswoldplayhouse.co.uk/tickets or Box Office 0333 666 3366.
Saturday, 10 September. Sherlock’s Excellent Adventure – performed by the Our Star Theatre Company. A comedy with minimal furnishings, four actors and lots of fun.
Stroud Theatre Festival
Friday, 16 September (7.30pm), Saturday, 17 September (8.00pm) and Sunday, 18 September (6.00pm) Hexagon Theatre Company –Letting Go by Carolyn Spice. St. Laurence Church, The Shambles. Moving, funny and thoughtful. Tickets are available from www.everymantheatre.org or 01242 512515. More info about the festival and links to the productions can be found at www.stroudtheatrefestival.co.uk
Advance notice:
Care for your Singing Voice – Holy Trinity, Minchinhampton
Saturday, 1 October 10.00am – 3.00pm.
Led by Angie Reichenbach (clinician), Choir of the Earth member from Canada, Successful online instructor whose voice studio spans six countries. Choral singer and soloist. Donations requested in aid of the organ restoration fund. To register contact Leonora Rozee at ljrozee@gmail.com
Autumn Fair at Beaudesert Park School
Saturday, 15 October: 8.30am – 3.00pm.
Beaudesert Park’s highly anticipated Autumn Fair is returning this October. Visit the school to start your Christmas shopping with stalls including Atelier18, Little Smartipants, Wovenology and Gasm Drinks. Food and coffees are also on offer in the Courtyard.
Entry is £3 on the door.
Quiz evening in aid of Horsfall House
Saturday, 15 October – at the Market House. Teams of four. Tickets £6 from Market Stores.
A trip to Bristol Blue Glass with Ian Jarvis
Wednesday, 26 October. 8.30 – 4.30. More details from Ian Jarvis. Info@abbeyhall.info.
For further information of these events and details on how to book, please go to our website here.
Also, please remember a list of regular weekly events can be found at the top of the Events’ page – click on a day of the week and you will see what is taking place, where and at what time. For instance, the weekly Community Coffee Morning (with weekly notices) is held every Monday from 10.00am-12.00 noon at the Cotswold Club, High Street.
Thursday, 1 September 10.30am – 12.00noon. Hampton Probus: History of Policing in England and Wales. Speaker Tim Brain. Cotswold Club, High Street. Members with guests by Invitation. For further information contact: webmaster@hamptonprobus.co.uk
Thursday, 1 September 2.00-4.00pm. Summer Craft Session. Minchinhampton Community Library, School Road. Free, just drop in. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Saturday, 3 September 10.00am-2.30pm. Makers’ Market. Market House, Minchinhampton. The cake stall is back along with flowers, jams, glasswork, cards, pottery, up-cycling, sewn goods etc
Sunday, 4 September 1.00-4.00pm. Chrysanthemum and Dahlia Show. Scout Hut, Dr Browns Road.
Sunday, 4 September 3.30pm. Box Village Show. Box Village Hall. Open to all, free entry.
Monday, 5 September 7.00-9.30pm. Extraordinary full Parish Council Meeting. Baptist Church, Tetbury Street. Members of the public wishing to join the meeting should email the clerk to confirm details. Email: clerk@minchinhampton-pc.gov.uk
Tuesday, 6 September 8.00pm. Cotswold Club Extraordinary General Meeting. Cotswold Club, High Street, Minchinhampton. Members only.
Wednesday, 7 September. 9.00am – 4.30pm. Trip to Highnam Court Gardens. Coach £16, Entrance £10 (inc Coffee & Cake). Contact Ian Jarvis 01453 833131.
Wednesday, 7 September 2.30-4.30pm. Minchinhampton WI: Gardens Here and There. Scout Hut, Dr Browns Road. For more information, please contact the Secretary on 884606
Thursday, 8 September 10.00am-12.00noon. Minchinhampton Probus: From Wireless to Radio. Speaker: Tim Blackmore. Porch Room, Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Meeting starts 10.30am. New members and guests welcome. tony.e.simmonds@gmail.com
Thursday, 8 September 7.30-9.00pm. Amberley Gardening Club: Garden Question Time with Reg Moule. Visitors welcome. For membership details, please contact Christopher Bailey at christo.p.bailey@outlook.com
Friday, 9 September. Tour of Britain through Minchinhampton. See details above.
Saturday, 10 September. 9.00am-5.00pm. Ride and Stride (Church to Church). Raising money for Holy Trinity Churches in Minchinhampton, Box and Amberley and Gloucestershire Historic Churches Trust. For more information click here.
Saturday, 10 September. 9.30am-12.00noon. Amberley Book Sale. Parish Room, Amberley. Proceeds towards Parish Room improvements. Books can be left in church porch from Monday, 5 September. Contact John Pugh on 872551 if you would like books collected.
Saturday, 10 September. 11.00am-4.00pm. Minchinhampton Flower & Produce Show. 39th Annual Gardening Club Show. Minchinhampton School.
Saturday, 10 September. 7.30pm. Concert by Eva Abraham (Neo Acoustic Folk). Box Village Hall. Tickets £12.00 on the door, or advanced Andy Pettit 01453-834766 AirG@box-village.com
Monday, 12 September. 7.00-9.30pm. Minchinhampton Parish Council Planning Committee. The Trap House, West End. Members of the public wishing to join the meeting should email the deputy clerk to confirm details. Email: deputyclerk@minchinhampton-pc.gov.uk
Thursday, 15 September. 10.30am – 12.00noon. Hampton Probus: Nailsworth Hills & Quarries. Speaker Brian Middleditch. Cotswold Club, High Street. Members with guests by Invitation. For further information contact: webmaster@hamptonprobus.co.uk
Thursday, 15 September. 12.00noon-3.00pm. Minchinhampton Ladies Lunch Club: The Solomon’s Disappearing Islands. Speaker Alex Leger. The Old Lodge, Minchinhampton Common. New members welcome but it is important to contact Biddy Hadfield before attending the lunch. bthadfield@btinternet.com
Saturday, 17 September. 8.00-11.00pm. Pat Croon, Ratpack Singer. Cotswold Club, High Street. £5 Members, £10 Non-Members
Monday, 19 September. 7.00-9.30pm. Minchinhampton Parish Council Finance Committee. The Trap House, West End. Members of the public wishing to join the meeting should email the deputy clerk to confirm details. Email: deputyclerk@minchinhampton-pc.gov.uk
Tuesday, 20 September. 2.00-4.00pm. George Pearce House Independent Living Hub Open Afternoon. George Pearce House, The Glebe, GL6 9LA. Come and see how the hub works. More information: 07792 420069, katherine.allen@stroud.gov.uk
Tuesday, 20 September. 7.00-9.30pm. Box Gardening Club: Seasonal Plants. Speaker Paul Green. Box Village Hall
Thursday, 22 September. 10.00am-12.00noon. Minchinhampton Probus: Leonard Cheshire, the man. Porch Room, Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Meeting starts 10.30am. New members and guests welcome. tony.e.simmonds@gmail.com
Friday, 23 September. 4.00-6.00pm. Games Evening. Box Village Hall. All ages.
Saturday, 24 September. 10.00am-4.00pm. Walking and Talking Sustainability Discovery Trail with MinchCAN. See details above or email canminch@gmail.com
Saturday, 24 September. 7.30-11.00pm. 80s Music Night. Cotswold Club, High Street. £2 Members, £3 Non-Members
Saturday, 24 September. Provisional Concert*: Short Opera Project with Pates Grammar School. Times to be confirmed. Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Donations. Raising money for organ fund.
Saturday, 24 September. 5.00-7.00pm Twelvetree Voices. A concert with Cake. Box Village Hall. Music from Vaughan Williams to Paul Williams. Tickets £10 inc afternoon tea. (children free) from 01453 833588, annerogers66@hotmail.co.uk or on door. In aid of Meningitis Now (a prequel to the 5 Valleys Walk)
Sunday, 25 September. 10.30am-2.00pm. Minchinhampton Walking & Wildlife Group. Please contact karencolebourn@gmail.com for more information.
Monday, 26 September. 7.00-9.30pm. Minchinhampton Full Parish Council. Baptist Church, Tetbury Street. Members of the public wishing to join the meeting should email the clerk to confirm details. Email: clerk@minchinhampton-pc.gov.uk
Monday, 26 September. 7.00pm-9.00pm. Amberley Community Choir Open Evening. Parish Room, Amberley. All welcome.
Wednesday, 28 September. 7.30-10.00pm. An audience without Jack Thrackray. Market House, Minchinhampton. Tickets £12.50 (plus £1 booking fee) from https://minchinhamptonmarkethouse.co.uk/an-audience-without-jack-thackray/
Thursday, 29 September. 10.00am-1.00pm. Macmillan Coffee Morning (World’s Biggest Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support). 17 Dr Crawfords Close, Minchinhampton. Coffee/tea/cakes and raffle.
Thursday, 29 September. 9.30-11.00am. Stroud Businesswomen’s Network Meeting. Minchinhampton New Golf Club. Non-members who would like a free introductory meeting please email enquiries@stroudbusinesswomen.org.uk
Friday, 30 September. 7.15-10.30pm. Arkwright’s Cash Bingo & Raffle. Cotswold Club, High Street. Eyes down 7:45pm. All welcome, guests can be signed in.
Saturday, 1 October. 10.00am-3.00pm. Care for your Singing Voice. Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Suggested donation £15-£20. Extra proceeds in aid of Church Organ Restoration fund. To register contact Leonora Rozee at ljrozee@gmail.com
Saturday, 1 October. 10.00am-2.30pm. Makers’ Market. Market House, Minchinhampton. The cake stall is back along with flowers, jams, glasswork, cards, pottery, up-cycling, sewn goods etc
* More information available from Holy Trinity Church office, 01453 889004.
As always, please do get in touch if you would like us to add anything to our newsletters or if you see any omissions or alterations. If you know of any newcomers to the town, please do tell them about MinchLife and this newsletter.
Anne and Janet

So informative for us as new residents, living temporary with family in Amberley–thankyou
libby and Ron