Hello everyone, Everyone in Minchinhampton and a lot further afield have been saddened by the death of Alfie, our resident donkey. The following is a message from Josh Ford Loveday: “To me and so many other people, Alfie was a roaming landmark on the common you were always happy to see and couldn’t fail to smile at. It only seemed fitting to do something to honour him so a Gofundme page was set up to donate in his memory. To date, over £1000 has been raised with the most likely memorial to be in The Lodge garden so it can overlook the common like Alfie did. ‘It’ could be one of a few things as we are yet undecided but ideas have ranged from a bench with a plaque, a tree or even a lifesize wicker or wire donkey. We are looking into these options but suggestions are warmly welcomed. Should there be any remaining money, it will be donated to charity with many suggestions coming in for Nailsworth Donkey Sanctuary. Donations have been very generous so thank you from both Jo and myself and we will keep you up to date with decisions once they have been made. Any further suggestions please contact josh@fordloveday.co.uk” Just to remind you that the sculpture of The Last Supper at Holy Trinity, Minchinhampton is only there until Thursday, 17 November so there is only a limited time to visit it. Christmas The Living Advent window event is progressing with lots of people signing up to do windows including The Kitchen, the Baptist church, and lots of local residents. We still have 10 windows left to fill though so please contact Tracey via Minch life (info@minchlife.com) if you are interested. A workshop for ideas and some materials for anyone wishing to join in the fun will be held on Saturday, 19 November from 10.00am in the porch room at the Parish Church. Remembrance Events On Friday, 11 November Members of Royal British Legion attend Minchinhampton School Assembly together with Branch Standard. Presentation about the significance of the Poppy and the Poppy appeal. Any member wishing to attend please let Roger Sims know (rogersims@aol.com or 07807 278004) and arrive at the school by 9:50 am. At 10:50 Branch members, members of the public and selected school children gather at the Cross for the Armistice service. On completion (approx 11:10) Clergy, Branch Standard, Branch officials and children procees to the parish church cemetery to lay poppy crosses on the graves of those who gave their lives in WWI and WWII. On Saturday, 12 November at 7.30 John Kirkpatrick will be singing Tunes from the Trenches at the Market House, Minchinhampton. Tickets: £16.00 available here. On Sunday, 13 November at 9:45 Remembrance Sunday service at Holy Trinity Church followed by parade to the Cross to be in place by 10:50. The Kitchen will be open for coffee from 11.00 and the Crown will be opening and providing free coffee and tea & mince pies. At 6.00 there will be a rehearsed reading of the radio play by Stephen Wyatt, ‘Memorials to the Missing’. This moving piece dramatises the struggles of one man, Major General Sir Fabian Ware – who is buried in Amberley churchyard – to set up the Imperial War Graves Commission, the world’s first organisation designed to honour a country’s war dead, irrespective of rank, race or creed. Tickets available from Minchinhampton Market Stores, £10 to include a glass of wine; all proceeds to go to The Organ Fund and The British Legion. Minchinhampton Community Library A new social book club will be starting on Wednesday, 18 January 2023 at 10:30am in the library. It will meet once a month to have an informal chat about different books that are available from the library and is open to choosing books based on theme, specific authors or even just bringing a book you’ve recently read. For the first meeting bring any book you like! There will be no pressure to share your thoughts or finish each book. Volunteers Linda, Carol, Kate and Danni will take the lead and make everyone feel welcome. If you have any questions and would like to pick up a book for January’s meeting or just want to find out a little more then please come to the Coffee Morning on Thursday, 17 November and have a chat! If you enjoy reading or would just like some company then please come along. Everyone is welcome. Jenny Bailey has produced a walk leaflet ‘Arts & Crafts Houses around Minch’. Assumpta and Peter from the Kitchen sponsored this project and it is available there, Minchinhampton Library and the Nailsworth Tourist Information Centre. World Cup The Crown will be showing The England games for the Football World Cup which are as follows: Monday 21st November 1pm Eng v Iran Friday 25th November 7pm Eng v USA Tuesday 29th November 7pm Eng v Wales Film Nights Alan Vaughan sends his apologies for not producing a Market House Film Night in November, due to an unexpected operation. At present he hopes to produce a film night either in December or early January 2023. We will keep you informed of progress toward this goal. Coffee and Cake On Wednesday, 9 November there will be a charity coffee morning at the Crown, Minchinhampton in aid of Scrubditch Care Farm. Youngs have nominated Scrubditch Care Farm as their chosen charity to raise funds to help them in their mission to provide meaningful farm-based activities for adults and young people with learning difficulties, challenging behaviour, or mental health problems. Grab a coffee & a delicious cake at the same time as doing your good deed for the day! There’s also a #justgiving page here if you are feeling super generous! Community Fitness Hub Minchinhampton is really lucky to have a Community Fitness Hub in the middle of the town. Do consider going along! There is something for everyone and the gym is extremely well equipped. There are also group classes which are fun – some work on the machines and then individually tailored exercises that change every session. All memberships include an initial consultation, monthly fitness assessments, unlimited access to the gym and unlimited small group training classes. £35 a month. More information here Minchinhampton Neighbourhood Development Implementation Working Group (NDPIWG) There will be a meeting held in the Trap House, West End, Minchinhampton on Tuesday, 1st November 2022 at 7pm. All Residents of the Parish are welcome to attend. A period of no more than 15 minutes will be set aside for public questions between 7 pm and 7.15 pm. Cost of Living Support Stroud District Council’s new cost of living webpage pulls together help and support that could benefit you, a relative, friend or neighbour. Click here for more information. Our local Councillor is currently working with local churches, community groups, MinchLife and the parish council to provide practical local support over the winter. Minchinhampton Theatre Visits A message from Chris Stevens: Thank you to everyone who has told me they would enjoy theatre visits, it is very encouraging, I’m sure we’ll have many interesting and fun visits ahead. I’ve been told that Wednesday, 1 March is a Minchinhampton WI meeting day. I think this may affect quite a few who would like to come to the Best Marigold Hotel, so I am changing the booking to Thursday, 2 March. So please move it in your new diaries! I have also met with Susan Staniforth, who organises theatre visits on behalf of the Nailsworth Society. Susan organises several visits each year to theatres in the region, and as far as Cardiff, and next summer plans a visit to Stratford. We discussed ways we could work together to give Minchinhampton and Nailsworth people the opportunity to enjoy both sets of visits, also giving more choice, there is much to be worked out. Do talk to friends, family and neighbours to encourage them to decide to come and get in touch with me. I will email everyone with details of times and costs towards the end of November and will need payment by Monday, 12 December. cajbs@hotmail.co.uk or 07789 480210. From the Cotswold Playhouse 22 – 26 November. Pressure by David Haig Cotswold Playhouse. An intense real-life thriller centred around the most important weather forecast in the history of warfare. Tickets £13.00 available here Stroud Choral Society Again not in Minchinhampton, but many members of the Choral Society live here and many more people love to attend their performances. Handel’s Messiah – Saturday 19th November 2022 at 7pm St George’s Church, Church Street, Nailsworth, GL6 0BP Stroud Choral Society with The Bristol Ensemble Conductor: Simon Bell Soprano: Willow Burden, Alto: Catherine Perfect, Tenor: Nicholas Drew, Bass: Nicholas Perfect. Tickets: Adult £20, 12-17 years £10, under 12 free Available online here or via their box office tel 0333 666 3366; Shiny Goodness in Nailsworth; from choir members; and on the door. Forthcoming events for your diary A Minchinhampton Pantomime! On December 1st, 2nd and 3rd (Thursday to Saturday) it’s panto time in Minchinhampton! The Players are putting on the first pantomime in the town for many years. It’s one of their ‘Home Groan’ productions, written and directed, as well as performed, by members of the troupe. The show has a cast of over twenty players – ages ranging from 9 to 70++ – and is described as an evening of family fun. ‘Cinderella and the Magic Lamp’ is as a musical pantomime, set in a quaint and sleepy hilltop town complete with ugly sisters, wicked step parents, a goose, cat and several cows (of course) and a whole lot more. Tickets (£10) available any day now, from the Market Stores – look out for the posters! On Tuesday 6th December the Crown are having a Wreath making workshop in conjunction with The Lily Pad, Stroud. Tickets are £40, which includes tuition, all the materials needed to make the wreath, a glass of prosecco and mince pies. Events For further information of these events and details on how to book, please go to our website here. Also, please remember a list of regular weekly events can be found at the top of the Events’ page – click on a day of the week and you will see what is taking place, where and at what time. For instance, the weekly Community Coffee Morning (with weekly notices) is held every Monday from 10.00am-12.00 noon at the Cotswold Club, High Street. Tuesday, 1 November 7.00-9.30pm Minchinhampton Neighbourhood Development Implementation Working Group (NDPIWG). Trap House, West End. All Residents of the Parish are welcome to attend. Wednesday, 2 November 2.30-4.30pm Minchinhampton Women’s Institute: AGM. Scout Hut, Dr Browns Road. Visitors and new members always welcomed. For more information, contact the Secretary on 884606. Thursday, 3 November 10.30am-12.00noon. Hampton Probus: Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn. Speaker: David Powell. Cotswold Club, High Street. Members with guests by Invitation. For further information contact: webmaster@hamptonprobus.co.uk. Saturday, 5 November 9.30am-12.30pm NOW CANCELLED: Makers Market. Market House, Minchinhampton. Local Crafts, Beautiful Gifts. Saturday, 5 November 10.00am-12.00noon. Coffee morning. Porch Room, Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. All welcome. If you require a lift please phone Linda and Steve Jarvis on 01453 884545 or the church office on 01453 889004 Saturday, 5 November 4.30-7.30pm Fireworks at Minchinhampton School. Bar, Bonfire, BBQ. £6.00 Adult, £4.00 Child, £15.00 Family. (Family = 2 adults, 3 children advance only) Tickets here. Monday, 7 November 10.30am-12.00noon. Poems in the Porch Room Porch Room, Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Welcomes all, but especially people who are living with memory problems. Further information contact Jo Smith on 01453 834714. Wednesday, 9 November 10.00am-2.00pm Coffee and Cake (in aid of Scrubditch Care Farm) The Crown, High Street. Thursday, 10 November 10.00am-12.00noon. Minchinhampton Probus: John MacCartney “British Leyland” Part 1. Porch Room, Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Meeting starts 10.30am. New members and guests welcome. tony.e.simmonds@gmail.com Thursday, 10 November 6.30-9.30pm A Night of Wild Game and Wine Tasting Event. Burleigh Court Hotel, Burleigh. £79 per person for six course tasing menu. Bookings here. Thursday, 10 November 7.30-9.30pm Amberley Gardening Club: New Plants from Old. Speaker David Cropp, retired RHS gardener and author. Visitors welcome. For membership details, please contact Christopher Bailey at christo.p.bailey@outlook.com Friday, 11 November 10:50 am. Armistice Service War Memorial Cross, Market Square. Friday, 11 November 2.00-2.30pm. Madhus Rasoi Indian Takeaway. Box Village Hall. Menu here. £25 meal for 2. Bookings by Wednesday, 9 November. 01453 755934 E: info@madhusrasoi.co.uk Friday, 11 November 7.00-10.00pm. Full Spoon: Show and Dinner at the Ragged Cot (live act, with a 6-course tasting menu created by Food Champs. Karcsi Fekete Music Bookings: here 01453 731407 Friday, 11 November 7.30-10.30pm. Pererra Dogs Charity Quiz Evening. Cotswold Club, Minchinhampton. Teams of up to 4 people £10.00 per team. Raffle. To book your team either go into the club and giving bar staff your team name, or you can sign up on the night. Saturday, 12 November 10.00-11.00am. Churchyard Wildlife Hunt. Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Families with children are very welcome. Refreshments at 11.00 a.m. Please contact Gerald South 01453 883456 or gp.south@btopenworld.com for more details Saturday, 12 November 6.30-10.30pm. A Night of Murder Mystery. Burleigh Court Hotel, Burleigh. A night of murder mystery entertainment with 3 course meal. £76.00 per head. Bookings here. Saturday, 12 November 7.30-10.30pm. John Kirkpatrick: Tunes from the Trenches Market House, Minchinhampton. Tickets: £16.00 available here Sunday, 13 November. 9:45am Remembrance Sunday service. Holy Trinity Church, Minchinihampton followed by parade to the War Memorial Cross by 10:50 am. Sunday, 13 November 6.00-7.00pm. Memorials to the Missing – a play by Stephen Wyatt. Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Originally broadcast on Radio 4 this moving piece dramatises the struggles of Major General Sir Fabian Ware – who is buried in Amberley churchyard – to set up the Imperial War Graves Commission. Tickets available from Minchinhampton Market Stores, £10 to include a glass of wine. Proceeds to the Organ Fund and British Legion Monday, 14 November 7.00-9.30pm. Minchinhampton Parish Council Planning Committee. The Trap House, West End. Members of the public wishing to join the meeting should email the deputy clerk to confirm details. Email: deputyclerk@minchinhampton-pc.gov.uk Tuesday, 15 November 2.30-4.30pm. Cotteswold Naturalists Field Club: An Introduction to the Mosaics of Roman Corinium. Box Village Hall. Contribution of £1 from members and £5 from visitors is requested. Followed by refreshments at no additional charge. Contact: janeerowe2015@gmail.com Tuesday, 15 November 7.00-9.30pm. Minch Book Club. The Crown, High Street. Everyone welcome. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1191977141621778. Book of the month: Black Sheep Tuesday, 15 November 7.30-9.30pm. Box Gardening Club: Plants for Awkward Corners. Box Village Hall. Speaker: Julie Ritchie Thursday, 17 November 10.00am-12.00noon. New Social Book Club Coffee Morning. Minchinhampton Library, School Road. Come and find out more about the new Book Club – starting in January 2023 Thursday, 17 November 10.30am-12.00noon Hampton Probus: How to Drive for Longer. Speaker: Alexandra Lloyd-Jones Cotswold Club, High Street. Members with guests by Invitation. For further information contact: webmaster@hamptonprobus.co.uk. Thursday, 17 November 12.00noon-3.00pm. Minchinhampton Ladies Lunch Club: The Art of Sword Swallowing. The Old Lodge, Minchinhampton Common. New members welcome but it is important to contact Biddy Hadfield before attending the lunch. bthadfield@btinternet.com Saturday, 19 November and Saturday, 26 November 1.00-4.00pm Wreath Making Workshop with Champagne Afternoon Tea. Burleigh Court Hotel, Burleigh. £79 per person (includes all materials/tea) Bookings here: Saturday, 19 November 8.00-11.00pm Drag Act – Jolene Dover. Cotswold Club, High Street. More information from the Cotswold Club. Sunday, 20 November 2.00-3.30pm Skate & Scoot. Minchinhampton Community Hub, Tobacconist Road. For pre-school and primary children. Bring your own skates and scooters. £2.00 per family and £1 per extra child. Monday, 21 November 7.00-9.30pm Minchinhampton Parish Council Finance Committee. The Trap House, West End. Members of the public wishing to join the meeting should email the deputy clerk to confirm details. Email: deputyclerk@minchinhampton-pc.gov.uk Monday, 21 November 7.30-10.00pm Minchinhampton Gardening Club: Bee-keeping in the Cotswolds. Minchinhampton School. New members welcome. Thursday, 24 November 9.30-11.00am. Stroud Businesswomen’s Network Meeting. Minchinhampton New Golf Club. Non-members who would like a free introductory meeting please email enquiries@stroudbusinesswomen.org.uk Thursday, 24 November 10.00am-12.00noon. Minchinhampton Probus: Paul Murphy “Charlie Chaplin (Part 1) Porch Room, Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Meeting starts 10.30am. New members and guests welcome. tony.e.simmonds@gmail.com. Thursday, 24 November 7.30-10.00pm Kenny’s Kwiz at the Crown. The Crown, High Street, Minchinhampton. £1.00 per person entry. Friday, 25 November 10.00am-12.00noon. Traidcraft Christmas Coffee Morning. The Porch Room, Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Friday, 25 November. 4.00-6.00pm. Ping Pong & Games Club. Box Village Hall. All ages welcome. Under 8s must be accompanied by an adult. Friday, 25 November 7.15-10.30pm Arkwright’s Cash Bingo & Raffle. Cotswold Club, High Street. Eyes down 7:45pm. All welcome, guests can be signed in. Saturday, 26 November 7.30-10.00pm Graffiti Classics. Box Village Hall. Musical Comedy Show. Tickets: £12 (plus booking fee) available here. Saturday, 26 November 8.00-11.00pm Soul & Motown Night. Cotswold Club, High Street. More information from the Cotswold Club. Sunday, 27 November 10.30am-2.00pm. Minchinhampton Walking and Wildlife Group: Details tba. Click here for information nearer the time. Please contact karencolebourn@gmail.com to be added to the circulation list. Sunday, 27 November 8.00-10.30pm. Open Mic Night. Cotswold Club, High Street. Come and show your talents! Monday, 28 November 12.00noon-1.00pm Sunflowers (Suicide Support Group). Porch Room, Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Monday, 28 November 7.00-9.30pm. Minchinhampton Full Parish Council. Baptist Church, Tetbury Street. Members of the public wishing to join the meeting should email the clerk to confirm details. Email: clerk@minchinhampton-pc.gov.uk Wednesday, 30 November 8.30am-4.30pm A trip to the Mall at Cribbs Causeway with Ian Jarvis Coach £20. Contact: Ian Jarvis 01453 833131 Wednesday, 30 November 10.00am-12.00noon. Horsfall House Christmas Fayre. Cotswold Club, High Street. Free entry. Thursday, 1 December 10.30am-12.00noon. Hampton Probus: Political Stands. Speaker Mike Warburton. Cotswold Club, High Street. Members with guests by Invitation. For further information contact: webmaster@hamptonprobus.co.uk Thursday, 1 December-Saturday, 3 December 7.30-10.00pm Cinderella and the Magic Lamp (Minchinhampton Players). Market House, Minchinhampton. Tickets £10 from Market Stores. As always, please do get in touch if you would like us to add anything to our newsletters or if you see any omissions or alterations. If you know of any newcomers to the town, please do tell them about MinchLife and this newsletter. Anne and Janet info@minchlife.com |