Hello everyone,
MinchLife are in the process of decorating the town centre with small trees and white lights for Christmas. We are hugely indebted to Pippa and Dave Robb who have donated the trees. We are also very grateful to Ian Hooper and Richard Leech for their help in mounting the trees and, of course, to the businesses and houses for their support. Please do go to the Scout Hut and buy your own tree from there as a small thank you for the gift they have given Minchinhampton. The David Thomas Trust made a valuable donation towards the cost of the new lights last year and huge thanks are also due to them.
Experience Christmas at Holy Trinity.
Come and experience the joys of Christmas from 12 December – 1st January. Visit the series of displays telling the Christmas story anytime from 9am – dusk.
Advent Windows
The living advent window workshop on the 19 November went well and there were about 8 people participating and experimenting with materials. Thank you to the Church for providing the space to hold the workshop. Tracey Clements now only has a couple of windows to procure but do get in touch if you would like to join in and decorate a window. There are also materials left so anyone who would like to take part and do a stained-glass effect can have a pack dropped round to them or they can collect. The design is not limited to stained glass effect windows – they can be decorated with any medium, baubles, fake snow etc. Overall it has been a great response for this first year and so it will be even more successful next year. Tracey is preparing a list of houses and dates the windows will be lit up and this will be available shortly in the Kitchen and the Market Stores so that people can do an advent window walk. As some of the first ones are in the town centre they will pop up. Contact Tracey Clements – info@minchlife.com for more information.
Christmas Tree Recycling
Recycle your Tree in aid of Longfield Hospice. Register here before 3 January. Collection will be 8, 9, and 10 January, 2023.
Community News
Costs are rising, and it is understandably affecting many people in different ways. Again, our fantastic Minch community is pulling together in two significant ways:
1) to open a Minch Pop-Up Pantry to help plug a few gaps in those food cupboards, and
2) to provide “warm spaces”.
The Minch Pop-Up Pantry will be open from 10-11.30am every Tuesday (starting 6 December) at Minch Youth Centre in Tobacconist Road. There will be a selection of dried and tinned goods available (just ‘pay as you can’) for everyone that comes along. Do come and see us. Or perhaps you can share a few bits to help stock the Pop-Up Pantry. If you can, goods must be in-date and unopened, and in non-perishable packaging. Please do bring along to the Youth Centre on Tuesday mornings, or drop at Henrys whenever the cafe is open.
More on the warm spaces to follow – but the various community groups across the Parish are organising a timetable of locations where people can spend time, enjoy a hot drink and meet each other while saving on energy costs at home.
Market House News
Restoration of the Market House Undercroft will now not be complete until after Christmas. The extra time is due to having more new paving stones cut than originally planned. Laying of the original, restored and new stone will begin in early January. Currently safety work is being identified to be able to hold the Christmas Eve Carol Singing. An update will be provided on the Market House website and Facebook page in early December.
News from The Crown
The Crown will be closed on the evening of Friday, 2 December for a private function (apologies for any inconvenience caused).
There will be wreath making on 6 December at 7pm. Tickets are priced £40, which includes the tuition, all the materials, the finished wreath of course and a glass of prosecco and mince pies (only a few tickets left). The Crown is now fully booked for Xmas Day lunch but the pub will be open 11 – 2 for drinks. There will be “Kennys Christmas Kwiz“ on Thursday, 29 December at 7.30pm and on New Year’s Eve food will be served in the restaurant as usual. In the bar there will be a vocal/ guitar duo playing called Risky Galore from 8.30pm. (Tickets not required).
Please note that the Crown will be closed from 9 January for approximately three weeks for refurbishment.
Stroud Farm Services Christmas sale
3 -4 December. Bargains and Henry’s Fodder trailer will be open.
Minchinhampton Community Library
Due to the fact that Gloucestershire are promoting county libraries as ‘warm places’ they have made the decision to open as normal between Christmas and New Year. Minchinhampton Community Library has decided to follow the same pattern. It will be closed on Christmas Eve, Boxing Day and Bank Holiday Tuesday, reopening as usual on Thursday 29th, Friday 30th December and Saturday, 31st December. It then will be closed on Bank Holiday 2 January, reopening on Tuesday, 3 January. There are plans afoot to offer more activities in the library very soon, including a new Social Book Club starting on Wednesday, 18 January at 10.30 am – check Facebook and the website for more detail.
News from the Cotswold Club
Anybody is welcome to pop into the club, at any time for a look around, there is snooker, pool, darts, skittles, and a quiet room at the front of the building with a coffee machine, and the main bar. There is a community coffee morning every Monday. Everyone is welcome.
The Club is showing many of the world club matches, for example
USA v Netherlands on Saturday, 3 December at 3pm.
England v Senegal on Sunday 4 December at 7pm (the club will open from 6pm)
Guests are welcome into the club if signed in by a member, £1.00 per guest. If the club member leaves the premises then the guest (non-member) must leave also. Older children will be allowed into the club with an adult to watch the football.
News from Minchinhampton Folk Club
The club are now meeting at the Cotswold Club at the earlier time of 7.45 rather than 8pm every Thursday. This is to make more time for everyone to sing/play twice before the finishing time of 10.30. Those who have visited the club in the past few months will know how well it’s going – it’s many months since there has been a quiet night. It is not planned to close this year at all at Christmas – the club is meeting 52 weeks a year. Tonight, 1 December, is Scottish night (being just after St Andrew’s Day).
News from Beaudesert School
The Charity Autumn fair raised £8,000 for the Nailsworth charity Read for Good.
Canon Michael George Peter Vooght, deceased
(7.6.1938 – 1.11.2022)
Sadly Michael Vooght died on 1st November and some of you might not have heard the news. He was Rector in Minchinhampton from approximately 1972 until 1985. He then moved to Thornbury. The Church there was packed for his funeral on 23 November with many people travelling from Minchinhampton and its environs.
Minchinhampton Theatre Trips (MTT)
Trip to The Exotic Marigold Hotel at the Everyman Theatre, Cheltenham on Thursday, 2 March 2023.
There are still places available on this visit, get in touch with
Chris Stevens, preferably by email cajbs@hotmail.co.uk, 07789 480210.
She will be contacting everyone shortly to ask for payment to be with her by Monday, 19 December.
Further afield:Cotswold Playhouse
2 & 3 December at 7.30pm, with a matinee at 2.30pm on 3 December: Camp As Christmas. The Glitter & Twisted Theatre Company present a selection of sweet and bitter songs and sketches drawn from both the contemporary cabaret scene and the world of musical theatre, with something to excite every palate. This is an entertainment for grown-ups, presented with wit, style, panache, pathos and more than a touch of camp. Bookings here.
The Cotswold Theatre experimented with a shuttle bus from the Parliament St car park in November as parking is so difficult. This was judged to be a success but it is now being put to the committee to decide whether they want to continue. Watch this space!
Forthcoming events for your diary
16 January 2022. 8:45-3:45 Trip to Ikea in Bristol with Ian Jarvis. Coach £18, Entrance free – Total £18 per person. Contact Ian Jarvis on 01453 833131.
For further information of these events and details on how to book, please go to our website https://minchlife.com **
Also, please remember a list of regular weekly events can be found at the top of the Events’ page – click on a day of the week and you will see what is taking place, where and at what time. For instance, the weekly Community Coffee Morning (with weekly notices) is held every Monday from 10.00am-12.00 noon at the Cotswold Club, High Street.
Thursday, 1 December
10.30am-12.00noon. Hampton Probus: Political Stands. Speaker Mike Warburton. Cotswold Club, High Street. Members with guests by Invitation. For further information contact: webmaster@hamptonprobus.co.uk
7.00-8.30pm. Advent through Art session. Led by Dr Chloe Reddaway. Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Free to all, no booking required.
Thursday, 1 December – Saturday, 3 December
7.30-10.00pm Cinderella and the Magic Lamp (Minchinhampton Players). Market House, Minchinhampton. Tickets £10 from Market Stores.
Friday, 2 December
7.15-10.30pm Cash Bingo. Cotswold Club, High Street. (book sales 7.15, Bingo 7.30).
Saturday, 3 December
10.00am-12.00noon. Coffee Morning. Porch Room, Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. If you want to come along and need transport please contact the church office 01453 88004
1.00-2.30pm. Hexad Vocal Ensemble. Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. New sequence of music and words commemorating the late Queen Elizabeth II. Tickets £12.50 (under 30s £10) on the door, or by emailing admin@minchchurch.org.uk
2.00-5.00pm and 7.00-10.00pm. Wreath Making Workshops. Scout Hut, Dr Browns Road, Minchinhampton. £22.00 includes festive refreshments, equipment and demonstrations. Contact Helen on 07791 015447 or Laura on 07970 051380 or email christmaswreathworkshops@gmail.com
7.30-10.00pm Box Gardening Club Christmas Party, Box Village Hall.
7.30-11.30pm. Minchinhampton RFC Quiz Night. RFC, Hollybush Farm, Hampton Fields. All welcome. £10 per person including chilli (veg option available). Teams of 8 or join individually. Tickets – contact Vicki on 07542 937508 or womens@minchrugby.com
Monday, 5 December
10.30am-12.00noon. Poems in the Porch Room Porch Room, Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Welcomes all, but especially people who are living with memory problems. Further information contact Jo Smith on 01453 834714.
1.00-4.30pm. Flexi-Hub Open Afternoon. Market House, Minchinhampton. If you would like to find out more about Flexi-Hub please come along to the Christmas Sharing Celebration with some performances, carols, refreshments and the autumn term work will be on display.
7.00-8.30pm. Advent through Art session. Led by Revd Gerald South. Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Free to all, no booking required.
7.00-9.30pm. Minchinhampton Parish Council Planning Committee. The Trap House, West End, Minchinhampton. Members of the public wishing to join the meeting should email the deputy clerk to confirm details. Email: deputyclerk@minchinhampton-pc.gov.uk
7.30-10.00pm. Minchinhampton Gardening Club Christmas Dinner.
Tuesday, 6 December
7.00-9.30pm. Wreath Making Workshop. The Crown, High Street, Minchinhampton. In conjunction with the Lily Pad, Stroud. Tickets £40, which includes tuition, all the materials needed to make the wreath, a glass of prosecco and mince pies.
7.00-8.45pm. Death Café. Cotswold Club, High Street, Minchinhampton. A safe and comfortable space where people can come together to share their views and experiences around death. For more information/bookings contact Richard on 07737 021449 or email richardfh2008@yahoo.co.uk
Wednesday, 7 December
9.30-11.00am. MAPs (Minchinhampton Additional Needs Parents Support) Coffee Morning. Minchinhampton Baptist Church Office Room.
2.30-4.30pm. Minchinhampton WI: Ukulele. Speaker: Norma Mills. Scout Hut, Dr Browns Road, Minchinhampton. Come along to visit or new members welcomed. For more information, call the Secretary on 884606
3.15-4.30pm. Christingle Messy Church. Porch Room, Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton.
7.00-8.30pm. On Christmas Night: Peter Medhurst Concert. Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Tickets £15 including drinks and canapes. Book your tickets here.
Thursday, 8 December
10.00am-12.00noon. Minchinhampton Probus: Voyage of Discovery’ (Antarctica). Speaker Arthur Ball. Porch Room, Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Meeting starts 10.30am. New members and guests welcome. tony.e.simmonds@gmail.com.
7.30-9.30pm. Amberley Gardening Club: Annual Christmas Social. Amberley Parish Rooms. A chance to come along and size up the club! Visitors welcome. For membership details, please contact Christopher Bailey at christo.p.bailey@outlook.com
Friday, 9 December
6.00-9.00pm Longfield Fire Walk. Longfield Hospice, Burleigh Lane. Hot and cold drinks will be available to buy on the night, along with hot food, mince pies, mulled wine and Longfield merchandise Bookings here.
Friday, 9 December and Saturday, 10 December
7.30-10.00pm Stuart Singers Sing at Christmas. Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Tickets £12 online here. Or contact Lynn Bevis 01453 882440 or M & B Market Stores, Minchinhampton
Saturday, 10 December
10.00am-2.30pm. Makers’ Market. Market House, Minchinhampton. Free Entry.
12.00noon-3.00pm. Minchinhampton PTA Christmas Fair. Minchinhampton School. Santa’s Grotto, Crafts & Activities, Hot Food & Festive Treats, Raffle, Fun & Games.
7.30-10.30pm. Arkwright’s Quiz & Meat Draw. Cotswold Club, High Street. Open to all members and guests. All guests to pay £1.00 for entry to the club. Meat draw tickets £2.00 per strip.
Sunday, 11 December
2.00-3.30pm. Skate & Scoot. Minchinhampton Community Hub. For pre-school and primary children. £2.00 per family, £1.00 per extra child. Bring your own skates and scooters.
3.00-5.00pm. The Sand Dragon. Market House, Minchinhampton. Theatrix Arts perform a magical story with songs and music, loads of puppets and a magic trick or two. Tickets £8.00 plus £1 booking fee here
Bring £1.00 and make your own Sand Dragon puppet.
5.30-9.00pm. A Christmas Carol. Burleigh Court Hotel, Burleigh Lane. Solo theatrical reading with live music and dinner. £55.00 per person. Bookings here or 01453 883804
Monday, 12 December
7.00-8.30pm. Advent through Art session. Led by Revd John Spiers. Holy Trinity Church, Amberley. Free to all, no booking required.
7.00-8.00pm. Light up a Life Service to remember a loved one. (Longfield Hospice Event). Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Bookings here.
7.00-9.30pm. Minchinhampton Parish Council Full Meeting. Baptist Church Office Room, Tetbury Street, Minchinhampton. Members of the public wishing to join the meeting should email the clerk to confirm details. Email: clerk@minchinhampton-pc.gov.uk
Monday, 12 December – Sunday, 1 January
9.00am-dusk. Experience Christmas. Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Visit the series of displays telling the Christmas story
Wednesday, 14 December
6.30-7.30pm. Christmas Carols Singalong (in aid of Longfield Hospice). Burleigh Court Hotel, Burleigh Lane. £7 per person including a cup of mulled wine and mince pie. Bookings 01453 883804 or here.
Thursday, 15 December
8.00am-5.00pm. A trip to Oxford Xmas Markets & Ashmolean with Ian Jarvis. Coach £25, Entrance free – Total £25 per person. Contact Ian Jarvis on 01453 833131.
10.30am-12.00noon. Hampton Probus: Elizabethan Minchinhampton. Speaker: Tim Mowat. Cotswold Club, High Street. Members with guests by Invitation. For further information contact: webmaster@hamptonprobus.co.uk.
12.00noon-3.00pm. Minchinhampton Ladies Lunch Club. Speaker from the Cotswold Players. The Old Lodge, Minchinhampton Common. New members welcome but it is important to contact Biddy Hadfield before attending the lunch. bthadfield@btinternet.com
7.30-10.00pm. A Christmas Fanfare – Cappella Singers. A wonderful selection of Christmas music, some well-known and some more unusual, from the 16th to the 21st century. Tickets £15 in advance here , £17.50 on the day. Free for carers and school students. Further information 01453 884454
Friday, 16 December
2.00-2.30pm. Madhus Rasoi Indian Takeaway. Box Village Hall. Menu here. £25 meal for 2. Special Starter Box £10. Bookings by Wednesday, 14 December. 01453 755934 E: info@madhusrasoi.co.uk
7.15-10.30pm Christmas Bingo, Cotswold Club, High Street. (book sales 7.15, Bingo 7.30).
7.30-10.00pm. Comedians and Carols. Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. One-off seasonal show, an adaptation of the traditional Nine Lessons and Carols service including stand-up comedy. Bar open from 7pm. Tickets £10.00 available from Minchinhampton Baptist Church and Holy Trinity church offices, the Market Stores or by emailing admin@minchchurch.org.uk, or on 01453 889004.
Saturday, 17 December
7.30-10.00pm. Thames Head Singers – Songs of Christmas Past and Present. Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Featuring Fantasia on Christmas Carols by Vaughan Williams and a host of beautiful acapella pieces and traditional carols with plenty of opportunity for audience participation. Tickets £12 under 16s free. Book online at bit.ly/ThamesHeadChristmas22
Monday, 19 December
7.00-8.30pm. Advent through Art session. Led by Dr Chloe Reddaway. Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Free to all, no booking required.
Tuesday, 20 December
2.30-4.30pm. Cotteswold Naturalists Field Club: A Tudor Christmas. Box Village Hall. Contribution of £1 from members and £5 from visitors is requested. Followed by refreshments at no additional charge. Contact: janeerowe2015@gmail.com
7.00-9.30pm. Minch Book Club. The Crown, High Street. Everyone welcome. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1191977141621778.
Wednesday, 21 December
6.30-8.30pm. Solstice Celebration: Return of the Light. Brimscombe Port. Yoga nidra, moving, breathing, softening, resting, sound healing, sharing, wondering, cards all wrapped with tea and bliss balls/mince pies. Price £20. Bookings here.
Thursday, 22 December
7.30-10.00pm. A Pre-Christmas Party. Ragged Cot, Cirencester Road. With hogroast, vegan pulled jackfruit for vegan, Food Champs mulledwine , and live music by the Rich Dickinson’s Driving Force. Bookings: here. Email: Info@theraggedcot-minchinhampton.com. Phone: 01453 731407
Friday, 23 December
4.00-6.00pm. Ping Pong & Games Club. Box Village Hall. All ages welcome. Under 8s must be accompanied by an adult.
7.30-10.30pm. Mega Prize Draw. Cotswold Club, High Street. Members only, tickets £2.00 per strip.
Monday, 26 December
10.30am-2.00pm Minchinhampton Walking and Wildlife Group – Boxing Day walk around the Commons. See www.minchwildwalks.org.uk for information nearer the time. Please contact karencolebourn@gmail.com to be added to the circulation list.
Thursday, 29 December
7.30pm Kenny’s Christmas Kwiz. The Crown, High Street. £1.00 per person entry. Bookings online.
Saturday, 31 December
8.00pm-1.00am. New Year’s Eve Party at the Club. Cotswold Club, High Street. Kevin’s disco. Tickets £5.00, no entry without a ticket.
8.30pm onwards. Vocal/Guitar Duo “Risky Galore”. The Crown, High Street. No tickets required.
As always, please do get in touch if you would like us to add anything to our newsletters or if you see any omissions or alterations. If you know of any newcomers to the town, please do tell them about MinchLife and this newsletter.
Anne and Janet
** Finally, please note that our MinchLife website has recently had some sort of IT glitch. It is being worked on by Joe Buckley but we ask your patience if a few links do not work as they should.