Restoring the undercroft of the Market House
To meet the desires of current users, local organisations, and the wider community, we have a project to restore the floor of the undercroft, improve power and lighting, and put in facilities that will attract you. We consulted with you at the end of 2020, noted what you voted for, set up this project, appealed for funds, applied for permissions.
The project consists of:
Archaeological exploration of the area covered by paving.
Lifting, re-setting, and where necessary re-surfacing or replacing of pavers.
Modification and reinstatement of livestock barriers. Replacement of 2 x 20th century benches. Improvement of access between hall and undercroft.
Provision of better lighting and power services to the undercroft.

In January, Chiz Harward of Urban Archaeology dug test pits in our undercroft. He found mediaeval pottery and traces of a wall.
Why dig? To find out what was there before the paving.
We have Listed Building Consent for this project. The Parish Council support the project. Thanks to you we have over £70,000 to carry out the project. We will need another £40,000 by July of this year to complete it.
What’s next? We hope to start lifting, restoring, and re-laying the paving in April. Chiz will catalogue, and report on all that he finds
Do you want to know more? Can you help? Contact Tim Mowat at 01453-883369 or