Hello everyone,
As we write this we can begin to see the end of lockdown and to enjoy the first signs of Spring. It is important though that we all still remember to think local and support the many businesses that have helped us through the dark days.
Minchinhampton Life
Are you a local creator/artist/artisan? Would you like an online presence? What not add yourself to Made by Minch for free? Just contact chair@minchlife.com.
Community News
Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton
Many of you will have noticed that some of the beautiful Victorian tiles in the high altar area of the church are breaking up and that the plaster nearby is coming away from the wall. Holy Trinity Church has received a grant of £21,176.40 from the Historic England Covid-19 Emergency Heritage at Risk Response Fund which will cover the bulk of the cost of installing a new drainage system and replacing the tiles, like for like; re-plastering and painting the wall. The new drainage system will take the surface water and deposit it within a soak away to be excavated within the churchyard. If, during the excavations, a ‘lissom’ is discovered, then this may be used to accept the surface water without the need to create the new soak away. All excavations will be kept to an absolute minimum and be subject to archaeological control. With the grant awarded by Historic England, this work can now proceed and will start in March.
Library update
Following the latest Government announcement, it has been decided that Minchinhampton Library will now offer a click and collect service from Monday, 8 March. You will be able to reserve books online and then a member of library staff will telephone you to arrange collection. Your book will then be waiting for you on a trolley at the front entrance of the library in order to maintain social distancing. As from 12 April, the library is hoping to completely reopen. Initially, opening times will be as follows:
Monday: 2 – 4.30 pm
Tuesday: 10.00 am – 12 noon 2.00 – 4.30 pm
Friday: 10.00 am – 12 noon 2.00 – 4.30 pm
Minchinhampton Surgery
Minchinhampton PPG in partnership with Minchinhampton Surgery have issued an updated briefing on the case for the new Surgery building. The revised planning application has now been forwarded to Stroud District Council, meaning the public consultation may be started in around 2 – 3 weeks’ time. Please click here to read the full, constructive case for the new surgery building. This is a document from the PPG fully approved and endorsed by the Surgery and Partners.
Horsfall House
The home has now embarked on a radical upgrade of its data network and Wi-Fi throughout the building in order to provide a good internet connection in every single room. This will help facilitate GPs’ online consultations and pave the way for Digital Care Planning by the care team. Most importantly however it will enable all residents and their families to link up via the internet. Horsfall House have created a Wi-Fi Challenge to raise £15,000 towards the cost. Here is how you can help. To donate if you can, go to the Horsfall House website www.horsfallhouse.co.uk/fundraising and follow the links to donate through Virgin Money Giving and if you are a tax payer, don’t forget to tick the Gift Aid box enabling us to claim an additional 25 pence for every pound that you donate. If you prefer to donate by cheque, just mark the envelope Wi-Fi and enclose your address and add contact details if you would like to Gift Aid. A form will be sent to you.
Horsfall House fully appreciate the current pressures on families balancing home schooling and home working but if you know youngsters who would enjoy creating their own Fundraising Pages/Fundraising Challenges there are lots of ideas and guidance on the website. And there’s a ‘well done’ medal for all participants whether they are children or pets! If you need help, just contact Duncan Wood, or for technical help with a fundraising page contact dee.wiggett@horsfallhouse.co.uk or mobile 07384 116275. If you create a fundraising challenge please contact Dee so that your challenge can be linked to the website.
Longfield Hospice
The Longfield charity shop is currently closed, but will be back open as soon as possible. However, you can also find a range of specially-selected items over on their eBay store – shop from the comfort of your own home. Visit their donations page to find out how you can donate your pre-loved items.
Longfield have also got a new mission for you, which started on the first day of March! Why not take on the 88 miles of Hadrian’s Wall? With this virtual challenge, to take part, you are challenged to walk, run or cycle the distance between Wallsend to Bowness-on-Solway. When you sign up, you’ll get access to ‘My Virtual Mission’ to track your exercise on the map and check out the breath-taking views that span Hadrian’s Wall through Google Street View on some of the trails. It is up to you when you start the challenge but it must be completed by 31 December 2021. It is not a race, you can go at your own pace by choosing how many weeks to take part, although some may choose to set challenges between family, friends or colleagues. You will be able to see each person’s position by their initials or uploaded photo on the map.
Stuart Singers
Do listen to their recording from “Chess.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3FiT-czZpQ
Forthcoming events:
Keith the Community Freezer is open at The Hub in Tobacconist Road, Minchinhampton, 9.30 – 10.30 am on Wednesdays. Deliveries for those unable to attend can order by Thursday 1pm – for delivery Friday. Contact 07307 155119 or email keiththefreezer@gmail.com. Open to all, take what you need and pay what you can.
Wednesday 3rd March. 2.15 for 2.30 pm. Cotteswold Naturalists Field Club – The Worcestershire Farmsteads Project. Farmsteads and Buildings. Lecture on line by Zoom. Members only – check your email correspondence for how to log on.
Friday 5th March. 10 am. World Day of Prayer via Zoom. Contact Jo Smith on 01453 834714.
Saturday, 6th March, 11.00 am – Minchinhampton Market House AGM by Zoom. Details on how to access found at www.minchinhamptonmarkethouse.co.uk
Saturday 6th March, 11.00 am – Virtual Music at Minch. James Gilchrist (tenor) and Warwick Cole (piano) Songs by Brahms, Louis Spohr and Prince Albert. Click here to join: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzCT8VeNl6s&feature=emb_imp_woyt
Monday 8th March. Schools and before and after school clubs open. Care home visits can have one regular visitor. Meetings with one person outside allowed. Still encouraged to stay at home.
Monday, 8th March. 7.00 pm. Minchinhampton Parish Council Planning Meeting by Zoom. Email: clerk@minchinhampton-pc.gov.uk
Friday, 19th March. Madhus Rasoi Indian Takeaway. Collection 1.00-2.00 pm Box Village Hall. Menu online here. Advance bookings: 01453 755934, email info@madhusrasoi.co.uk
Monday, 22nd March to Sunday, 11th April 9.30am – 5pm. Experience Easter at Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. A series of displays telling the Easter story from Palm Sunday to Easter Day.
Saturday 27th March. 10 am – 4 pm. Churchyard Working party. 10am – 4pm. Bring own tools.
Monday 29th March. 2 households or up to six people can meet outside including in private gardens. Travel is permitted outside of your local area, although overnight stays are not permitted. Outdoor sports to resume.
Monday, 29th March. 7.00 pm. Minchinhampton Parish Council Full Meeting by Zoom. Email: clerk@minchinhampton-pc.gov.uk
Do get in touch if you would like us to add anything to our Newsletters or if you see any omissions or alterations. We are particularly keen to hear how all the various clubs have been operating during the past year and what plans they have for the next few months.
Anne Parry/Janet Chamberlain