Minchinhampton Market House receives £10,000 grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund towards a proposed restoration and refurbishment of the Undercroft paving and ironwork at Minchinhampton Market House.

The trustees consulted publicly by hand delivery of a questionnaire to all residents in December 2020. Over 95% of respondents supported a proposal to improve the Undercroft by levelling the paving, replacing damaged flagstones where necessary, improving access and providing more lighting and power, to ensure that the space is as welcoming as the rest of the Market House. £5,000.00 has been donated so far by well-wishers. But the cost of the proposal will be over £100,000.00.
The first task in the restoration will be an archaeological exploration, towards which we have been granted £2,500.00 by the Leche trust. This is planned to take place in July of this year.
The trustees have a development appeal fund which contains about £35,000.00 . The National Lottery Heritage Fund grant of £10,000.00 will be added to that.
That will enable us to commence the restoration works in August –
But we will still need over £50,000.00 by October of this year to complete the works.
We have applied to a number of other grant making organisations for help. We are waiting to hear from them
If YOU can help with a donation, or by suggesting other sources to whom we may apply for a grant, then please contact Tim Mowat (trustee) on 01453 883369 or at timmowat@gmail.com
During 2020 residents and visitors gave over £15,000.00 including gift aid to undertake a major refurbishment both outside and inside of the Grade2*listed building. Outside the work included new guttering, repairs to the roof and coving and the windows repaired and decorated. Inside the Hall there has been a refurbishment of the entrance hall and stairs. The main hall sprung floor has been stripped and re-polished. Wi-fi is now available both in the Hall and the Undercroft. We are very grateful.
The Market House has a full Covid19 cleaning policy. Risk assessments have been carried out. Appropriate signage and social distancing measures have been put in place.
Both hall and undercroft are available for events.
Do take a look at our website ‘minchinhamptonmarkethouse.co.uk’
The Market House hosts a weekly market on every Wednesday morning. The £10,000 grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund will enable us to make this market, and all other events held in the undercroft, more welcoming than hitherto!