Minchinhampton Parish Council (MPC) wishes members of the public to understand why the Council will be unable to express a formal opinion about the planning application for a new doctors’ surgery, proposed on the Vosper Field off Cirencester Road.
As the Council owns the land on which the planning application has been lodged, it has, in legal terms, what is formally known as an “interest” in the outcome of the potential development. The Council is therefore prohibited from expressing any view supporting or otherwise commenting in response to the application.
Council chairman Cllr Nick Hurst said MPC was bequeathed the field in 2008 in the will of the late Johnny Vosper, a well-known local resident. “There was nothing specific in the gift as to how the land should be used, but it was felt amongst those of us who knew him that Johnny would have wanted his land to be used for Community benefit.” Cllr Hurst said.
The land is currently in agricultural use but does NOT enjoy Commons grazing rights.
The council was approached by the Minchinhampton Surgery which sought use of the Vosper Field for its proposed replacement facility, their existing site being woefully inadequate to modern expectation and delivery. Well attended public meetings were held in March 2016 at the Annual Assembly, and again in September 2017, when the Doctors shared their proposal in more detail.
Following that, MPC entered into a legal agreement with the GP practice to enable the surgery project to proceed, subject to various conditions and considerations. The most critical condition is that the Doctors obtain planning permission. This information was shared with the public in the adopted Neighbourhood Development Plan in April 2019.
Said Cllr Hurst: “On all occasions members of the Council have recognised the importance of maintaining a fit-for-purpose medical facility in the Parish.”
Residents with strong views in favour or against the surgery proposal are therefore urged to contact Stroud District Council Planning Department which is the local planning authority and therefore solely responsible for the final decision.
Please note the parish office is currently closed due to Covid.