Hello everyone,
June has been such a warm and sunny month and here’s hoping July will be the same. Minch has a great deal of outdoor activities happening this month including the Flower Guild Coffee Morning on 7th July and Music in the Garden on 14th July. We even have Mexico’s Tequila Circus visiting the Rugby Club from 12th-16th July. All visitors to Minchinhampton comment on how lucky we are – I think we all know this – Assumpta at the Kitchen is known throughout the County and visitors come from great distances to visit her and Henry’s and to enjoy all the concerts taking place in the Church and events in the Market House.
Horsfall House – a message from Duncan Wood
“An enormous thank-you to all of you who joined us on our annual Charity Walk (braving the heat and the storm), to the hard-working event team who made it all happen and everyone who donated so generously. Our wonderful Community Walkers/Runners have raised over £5,500 between them so far and we are heading for an event total nicely over £11,000 when all donations have been processed; I hope you enjoyed the day as much as we did – it’s ‘pats on the back’ all round!”
At the Charity’s recent AGM it was announced that Nigel Parry would be retiring after fourteen years as Chair – subsequently Duncan Wood was elected to the role – the Trustees wish him every success.
Minchinhampton Primary Academy – a message from Minch PTA
A huge thanks to everyone who turned up to enjoy the Murray’s Big Green Summer Fete at Minchinhampton Academy on Saturday,17th June – it turned out to be a fantastic day, raising over £6,000 for the school! We were delighted to see so many community groups and businesses get involved; We had Nailsworth Repair Café, helping us fix our gadgets, Box Gardening club potting up seedlings with us, we were getting creative with Into The Green Forest School, MinchCAN put on a preloved clothing swish and The Devil’s Kitchen supplied us with some really tasty plant-based burgers and sausages!
We had coaches from Sportily and Minchinhampton Rugby club getting us up and active, and Tim Dowds of Minch Rangers announced the record had been broken and a new competitor had claimed the title of “Minch’s Biggest Wanger” in his acclaimed welly-wanging contest!
Minchinhampton Academy are looking for enthusiastic engineers and sponsors to help with their “Moochanics Revival” project – and the kids really enjoyed challenging one another to a remote control car race to help raise awareness for the project. Katy Walton Dance school, Shine on Stage, Minchinhampton Community Choir and the School Choir all put on fantastic performances and David Powell from the Minchinhampton-Nkokoto link got us all involved in a wonderfully uplifting country dancing session accompanied by Becky Dellow and co. We’ve had some really positive feedback from visitors, stall holders and contributors alike and we can’t wait to welcome you back for the next one!
Many thanks to our sponsors, Murrays, Ford Loveday, Gifford’s Circus, Hudson Rose and Calcot & Spa who all helped us put on a great event for the whole family as well as Henry’s, the Chip Shed, Holy Spirits, Gown & Glory and many more who donated prizes, offered supplies and showed their support – we couldn’t have done it without you!
Amberley Shop on the Common
Is now open inside Holy Trinity Church, Amberley. This community-owned shop and cafe offers a wide selection of groceries, from staples such as fresh veg, frozen food, and newspapers through to high quality deli, plus artists greeting cards and gifts. The opening hours are as follows:
Monday to Saturday 8.00am – 4.00pm
Sunday 8.00 – 10.00 (shop only)
Sunday 11.00 – 4.00 (shop and cafe)
More information here.
Minchinhampton Theatre Group
Chris Stevens has organised a variety of performances for the autumn and beyond. Do sign up for the events as soon as possible and note that all the below have September payment dates. Please tell your friends and invite them to join the mailing list.
Friday, 8th September. The Woman in Black – Malvern. Payment due 13th September.
Wednesday, 27th September, Calendar Girls in Cheltenham. Payment due by 15th September.
Wednesday, 1st November: Simon Reeve: To the Ends of the Earth talking in Malvern. Payment due 6th September.
The trip to Hamilton is Wednesday, 22nd May 2024 at 2.30 pm at The Bristol Hippodrome. The payment date is September, long before the performance and the price (£95) reflects the popularity and cost to the theatre of this highly successful performance.
Email cajbs@hotmail.co.uk. 07789 480210.
Minchinhampton Community Library
This year Gloucestershire County libraries have created a new bespoke reading challenge, which will take place in Minchinhampton from Saturday, 15th July until Saturday, 16th September – the theme being Music. It will be open to all children as well as those starting school this September. Children can sign up for free at our community library as soon as it starts.
If you can offer a couple of hours of assistance to help run the library, ideally on a regular basis, please make contact with one of the volunteers behind the desk, email secretary@mclt.org.uk or call 01453 885497. There are different activities you can volunteer for in addition to working on the desk, you could help maintain the garden, help organise events and displays, or help run a library club. A lego club will be starting shortly – watch out for further announcements.
Ahead of the The Library Challenge and new groups starting there will be a fine amnesty for the month of July. Please return books to Minchinhampton library and fines will be waived. Start the summer with a clean slate!
Rugby at Minch RFC – a message from Tom Nurse – Head of Girls
We are running fun fitness sessions every Tuesday 7.00-8.15pm over the summer, to try and encourage more local women to get active and try something they may have not considered before. We have a lovely bunch of ladies, most of whom had never played before, between ages of 18-55, and the warm weather is always much nicer to play in.
There is no obligation to sign up or play matches should they decide to join. It’s all about getting women active, socialising and seeing that the local rugby club is a warm inviting place for everyone. Please contact womens@minchrugby.com or text 07598989967 for details.
Minchinhampton Gardening Club
Minchinhampton Flower and Produce show schedules for the 40th Anniversary Show on Saturday, 9th September will be available in our local shops and library this month. Please help celebrate this show milestone by entering the classes and making it the best show yet. Lots of classes for the children plus photography, baking jams, preserves, flowers, fruit, vegetables, handicraft section and much more. Certificates and cups to win plus rosettes for the children’s classes. Please join in the fun, entry forms included in the schedule.
The Crown, Minchinhampton
Grant was Manager of the Crown for ten months but now Youngs need him elsewhere and have offered him a job as Holding Manager in Cheltenham. At present Simon is filling this role very successfully and the pub goes from strength to strength. Music sessions on Wednesdays are very popular as are the new menu and garden. The quiz nights are a great success and there are plans for a celebration fish supper later in July. Sadly it was too hot for June’s Community dog walk with Jess from Pamper and Scamper but the next one is scheduled for 26th August.
Burleigh Court Hotel
As usual there is a great deal happening this month at Burleigh Court. There is Patio fireside dining every Thursday from 6.30 pm.
Thursday, 20th A summer night for wine buffs and Food Lovers.
Friday, 21st. A foraging experience followed by wild food inspired lunch.
Sunday, 23rd. Honeymoon Swing Band
Thursday, 27th. The Burleigh Supper Club. – 7 course tasting menu.
More information on all these events here and our events diary online.
The Ragged Cot
Are celebrating their 1st year anniversary on Saturday, 8th July, with a massive garden party, hog roast, bouncy castle and music. There is an Acoustic Jam Session on Thursday, 13th and they also have regular Friday music evenings with Cygnet Duo, Cez, BBC Genuine Jazz, and Drew Hall Blues. Please check the Events section on their website here, and our events diary online.
Forthcoming Events for your Diary
Wednesday, 9th August: Ian Jarvis Coach Trip – A behind–the–scenes tour of Guide Dogs’ national centre and/or day trip to Leamington Spa. Coach £27, Guide Dogs Tour (senior) £10 – Total £37 per person. Tel 01453 833131
Thursday, 10th- Monday, 21st August Giffords Circus will be back in Minchinhampton with “Les Enfants du Paradis” their most lavish show yet. Bookings: Tel 01453 800200 or online here.
For further information of these events and details on how to book, please go to our website https://minchlife.com
Also, please remember a list of regular weekly events can be found at the top of the Events’ page – click on a day of the week and you will see what is taking place, where and at what time. For instance, the weekly Community Coffee Morning (with weekly notices) is held every Monday from 10.00am-12.00 noon at the Cotswold Club, High Street.
Saturday, 1st 10.00am-12.00noon Coffee Morning Porch Room, Holy Trinity Church Minchinhampton. All welcome. If you require a lift please call 01453 889004
Saturday, 1st 12.00noon-1.00pm Stroud Ukes (A Minchinhampton Folk Club 20th Anniversary Festival event) Market House Undercroft, Minchinhampton. Free entry.
Saturday, 1st 1.00-5.00pm Acoustic Sessions – booked slots (A Minchinhampton Folk Club 20th Anniversary Festival event) Cotswold Club, High Street, Minchinhampton. Free entry.
Saturday, 1st 7.30-10.00pm “Abendlied”: Cantores Chamber Choir Concert Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. A programme of music by Bach, Bruckner, Brahms, Schutz and Rheinberger, including his Mass in E flat for double choir. Tickets: £15 adults, Under 18s free Online https://www.cantores.net/event/abendlied/
Saturday, 1st 7.30-10.30pm Johnny Coppin in Concert with local support Blondes with Beards (A Minchinhampton Folk Club 20th Anniversary Festival event) Cotswold Club, High Street, Minchinhampton. Tickets £15.00 online here.
Sunday, 2nd 2.00-5.00pm Five Open Gardens in Littleworth (Hawthorns Cottage, Vine Cottage, Woodside, Woodview and Amberley Farmhouse). Tea & Cakes, Plants and Icecream (Cash only). In aid of Cancer Research. Contact: clarebassett@aol.com
Monday, 3rd 10.30am-12.00noon Poems in the Porch Room. Porch Room, Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Welcomes all, but especially people who are living with memory problems. Contact Jo Smith on 01453 834714 for further information.
Tuesday, 4th 2.15-4.00pm Knit & Natter. Minchinhampton Community Library, School Road. Email secretary@mclt.org.uk
Wednesday, 5th 9.30-11.00am M.A.P.S. Meeting(Minchinhampton Additional Needs Parent/Carer Support Group) Minchinhampton Baptist Church Office Room, Tetbury Street. Drop in at any time for tea, coffee & biscuits.
Wednesday, 5th 2.30-4.30pm Minchinhampton Womens Institute: Bergen to the Lofoten Islands, Coronation Scout Hut, Dr Browns Road. Guests and visitors are always welcomed. For more details, contact 884606.
Thursday, 6th 10.30am-12.00noon Hampton Probus: Motor Cycling Racing in the Isle of Man. Cotswold Club, High Street, Minchinhampton. Members with guests by invitation. For further information contact: webmaster@hamptonprobus.co.uk
Friday, 7th 10.00am-12.00noon Flower Guild Coffee Morning Little Acre, The Park, Minchinhampton. £2.00 to include cup of coffee. Cakes, Plant Stall, Raffle.
Friday, 7th 6.30-8.00pm Box Bar. Box Village Hall. An enjoyable social hub for the village.
Saturday, 8th 1.30-9.00pm 1st Anniversary at the Ragged Cot Cirencester Road, Minchinhampton. Massive garden party with hog roast, music, bouncy castle etc.
Saturday, 8th Tickets on sale from 6.30pm, Eyes Down 7.30pm Charity Bingo, Cotswold Club, High Street, Minchinhampton. In aid of Crisis towards ending homelessness. £15 for 8 books.
Saturday, 8th 7.30-10.00pm Thames Head Singers Concert: Mass in Blue by Will Todd. Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. A dynamic, uplifting, and highly popular jazz setting of the Latin mass featuring driving grooves and blues harmonies. Tickets £15 (under 16s free) from www.bit.ly/ThamesHeadSummer23 Box Office: 0333 666 336
Saturday, 8th 7.30-10.00pm Minch Players Theatrical Quiz Market House, Minchinhampton. Teams (max 6). Tickets £5.00 per person from Market Stores, Minchinhampton.
Sunday, 9th 9.30-11.00am Marvellous Moths of Minchinhampton. Minchinhampton Common. Join Stroud Valleys Project and moth enthusiast Graeme Davis to take a look at some of these colourful critters. Tickets: £7/adult; £3 per child online here
Sunday, 9th 8.00-10.00pm Swift Walk around Minchinhampton. Join local swift expert John Crowther, who will take you on a guided walk around Minchinhampton, spotting Swifts in flight and identifying their nesting sites. Suitable for wheelchair users. Tickets: £7/adult; £3 per child online here
Monday, 10th 7.00-9.30pm Minchinhampton Parish Council Planning Committee. Trap House, West End. Members of the public wishing to join the meeting should email the deputy clerk to confirm details. Email: deputyclerk@minchinhampton-pc.gov.uk
Wednesday, 12th – 16th Various Times (see website). Tequila Circus Minchinhampton Rugby Club, Hollybush, Crackstone, Hampton Fields. Magic of Mexico in a circus tent. For more information, enquiries and bookings please visit www.tequilacircus.com, or on Facebook www.facebook.com/tequilacircusuk.
Thursday, 13th 10.00am-12.00pm Minchinhampton Probus: Al Bowlly (Britain’s First Popstar) Porch Room, Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Meeting starts 10.30am. New members and guests welcome. Contact John Collinson john.ipp.uk@gmail.com
Thursday, 13th 7.30-10.00pm 8.00-11.00pm Songbook Session: Acoustic Jam Session Ragged Cot, Cirencester Road.
Friday, 14th 7.30am-3.00pm Horsfall House Inaugural Golf Day Minchinhampton Golf Club, Avening Course. £90 per person. Contact: Adrian Hutchinson 07770 467561 or email hutchajx@gmail.com
Friday, 14th 5.30-9.30pm. Music in the Garden. A picnic concert in the garden of Little Acre. Music will be organised by Warwick Cole supported by the Corelli ensemble. Tickets £5 from the Market Stores. In aid of the Organ Appeal.
Friday, 14th 7.30-10.00pm Games Night Box Village Hall
Saturday, 15th 7.30-10.00pm Cappella Singers: Five Coronations. Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Music from the reigns of two Elizabeths and three Charleses. Tickets £22.00 in advance or £25.00 on the door. More details here.
Saturday, 15th 7.30-10.30pm Michael James Wheeler from Nashville, USA Market House, Minchinhampton. Nashville Americana & Country Blues. Tickets £15.00 from the Market Stores, Minchinhampton (Cash) or online here:
Sunday, 16th 12.30-5.00pm MinchCAN Plastic Free Picnic (co-ordinates 51.715317, -2.201465 ) Jacobs Knoll, Burleigh. For those of you who’d like a walk, we’ll be meeting at 12 noon to walk from 4 locations across Minch Parish: the Park just outside Holy Trinity Minchinhampton, the War Memorial in Amberley, Box Village Green and Brimscombe Playground
Sunday, 16th 8.00-11.00pm A second Swift Walk around Minchinhampton. Sue Parker has offered to repeat the Swift walk for those who cannot make 9th July. Meet at the Crown at 8pm. There will also be the opportunity to go to Rodborough Common to see Glow worms, driving from Minch to park near the Bear.
Monday, 17th 7.30-9.30pm Minchinhampton Gardening Club: Tales from the Potting Shed. Minchinhampton Academy School Hall, doors open at 7.15pm talk commences 7-30 pm. Speaker: Nicola Hope. https://nicolahope.com/ Visitors are always welcome. For more information please contact John Fivash tel: 01453 764956 email: johnfivash@btinternet.com
Tuesday, 18th 2.15-4.00pm Knit & Natter. Minchinhampton Community Library, School Road. Email secretary@mclt.org.uk
Tuesday, 18th 7.30-9.30pm Minch Book Club Table 14 The Crown, High Street, Minchinhampton. July’s book: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. No ‘show and tell’ but a book exchange ready for holiday reading. Contact: Rachel Montgomery at rachel@monty.one or 07715 303707.
Wednesday, 19th 9.00am-5.00pm Ian Jarvis coach trip to Tyntesfield, National Trust Park and Gardens. £20 coach trip and £16.50 entrance for non NT members. More details 01453 833131.
Wednesday, 19th 10.30am-12.00noon. Social Book Club. Minchinhampton Community Library, School Road. “Classics” will be the theme for this month’s book discussion. This can be interpreted as you wish.
Wednesday, 19th 2.00-4.00pm Box Women’s Institute. Box Village Hall
Thursday, 20th 9.30-11.00am. Stroud Businesswomen’s Network Meeting. Minchinhampton New Golf Course, off Hampton Hill. Non-members who would like a free introductory meeting please email enquiries@stroudbusinesswomen.org.uk
Thursday, 20th 10.30am-12.00noon. Hampton Probus: John Nevil Maskelyne Gloucestershire’s Master of Magic & Mystery Cotswold Club, High Street, Minchinhampton. Members with guests by invitation. For further information contact: webmaster@hamptonprobus.co.uk
Friday, 21st 12.00-2.30pm Friday Lunch The Porch Room, Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. All welcome to a two-course lunch. All donations will support a new project working with the Bishop of Masasi. Sign–up sheet at the back of the church to help with planning, and if you have particular dietary needs. For further information contact: Linda or Stephen Jarvis 884545.
Friday, 21st 6.30-8.00pm Box Bar. Box Village Hall. An enjoyable social hub for the village.
Saturday, 22nd time tbc Charity Bottle Draw Cotswold Club, High Street, Minchinhampton. 50p ticket. In aid of Crisis towards ending homelessness.
Sunday, 23rd 7.30-10.00pm Shakespeare in the Garden: Twelfth Night The Bear, Rodborough Common. Tickets: £18.00 https://www.cotswold-inns-hotels.co.uk/the-bear-of-rodborough/summer-theatre
Thursday, 27th 10.00am-12.00pm Minchinhampton Probus: Covent Garden. Porch Room, Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Meeting starts 10.30am. New members and guests welcome. Contact John Collinson john.ipp.uk@gmail.com
Thursday, 27th 7.30-10.00pm The Crown Quiz Crown Inn, High Street, Minchinhampton. Only £1 per person entry. Bookings: email crownminchinhampton@youngs.co.uk or phone 01453 608010
Friday, 28th 4.00-6.00pm Ping Pong & Games Club. Box Village Hall. All ages welcome. Under 8s must be accompanied by an adult.
Saturday, 29th 8.00-11.00pm 80s/90s Disco Cotswold Club, High Street, Minchinhampton. Members entrance free, non-members £5.00.
Sunday, 30th 10.30am-1.00pm Minchinhampton Walking and Wildlife Group: Swells Hill and Butterflies – Meet at the Reservoir Car Park, Minchinhampton Common. Contact: karencolebourn@gmail.com If the weather is very poor, we will cancel by email by 9.00am.
Monday, 31st 7.00-9.30pm Minchinhampton Parish Council Full Meeting. Baptist Church Office Room, Tetbury Street, Minchinhampton. Members of the public wishing to join the meeting should email the clerk to confirm details. Email: clerk@minchinhampton-pc.gov.uk
As always, please do get in touch if you would like us to add anything to our newsletters or if you see any omissions or alterations. If you know of any newcomers to the town, please do tell them about MinchLife and this newsletter.
Anne and Janet