Hello everyone
The Minch Life Street Party made a profit of £1200, which will help pay for next year’s Country Fayre.
Many thanks to:
Everyone who bought raffle tickets, those who donated prizes, our sponsors – the Crown; Henry’s and Josh Ford Loveday, the Minch Moo teams, and Jake the pizza man. Our bands Steve Ferbrache, the Two Hats Trio and the Moo Choir. Everyone seemed to have a wonderful time and it was great to see all the children (and adults) dancing in the street! We were so lucky with the weather and the Moo Race goes from strength to strength with excellent costumes, very little milk spilled and a huge crowd cheering them on. Charity Barn Herd won the trophy this year.
Minchinhampton Ladies Lunch Club
In September we celebrated ten years since the Club formed. The guest speaker was a complete surprise and turned out to be Mary Berry! The Secretary, Claire White , knows her well and had an informal conversation with her which was enjoyed so much by everyone. Many people had their photograph taken with Mary who looks amazing – and is not only elegant but extremely entertaining.
News from the Crown:
Breakfast at The Crown
From the 1st October we are excited to say that we are opening for breakfast Tuesday-Sunday 9-11am. Walkins and bookings welcome. The menu is available on our website.
Steak night
A variety of premium steak dishes served every Thursday (apart from the last Thursday as it is quiz night) – perfect with a glass of red (or two).
Locals night- 2nd October
Our ever popular locals night with a fabulous menu from our head chef Luka. 2 courses £20 3 courses £25.
Half term fun for the kids- 20th October 3-4pm
Apple bobbing, face painting and cookie decorating from 3pm-4pm in the barn. Why not dress up in your best Halloween costume. £15 per child.
Booking essential.
Quiz night- 31st October
The quiz is £2 per person (cash only) to join and there is a £50 bar tab to grab for the winning team (6 max per team). 7.30pm start. All entry money for quiz will be donated to Royal British legion ahead of the Poppy Appeal.
The Ragget Cot, Cirencester Road.
Live music Fridays on the Terrace from 6.30 pm.
4th October – Os Grilos Duo
11th October Diane Arthurs and Chris Keir.
18th October. The Bake in the Bog
25th October Gilmore n’Jaz
Info@theraggedcot.minchinhampton.com. 01453 884643.
The Long Table, Brimscombe.
Works to change the world through food. They provide frozen ready meals to people who need them and so much more. Delicious hot food is served and is always pay as you can. Opening also in Cirencester.
Special events in October.
Thursday 3rd. The Architectural Happy Hour. 4.30 – 5.30pm.
Saturday 5th. Champion Love Sound System. 5pm – 10pm.
Friday 11th. Songs from the Porch and Guests. 6pm – 10 pm.
Saturday 12th. DJ Mendoza 6pm – 10 pm
Tuesday 15th Brimscombe Mill Pre-loved Clothes’ sale 7pm – 9pm.
Friday 18th. Harvest at the Mill 6pm – 10.30 pm.
Saturday 19th. Sanctuary Sessions Philippe Nash & Sm*sher 7.30 – 10.30.
Thursday 24th Spooky Duo 5pm – 8.30 pm.
Friday 25th. Live Steve Ferbrache 6pm – 9pm
Saturday 26th. Albino Tarantino 6pm – 10pm.
More details can be found thelongtablestroud.com or email carina@thelongtableonline.com
Burleigh Court Hotel, Burleigh
This is a 4-star boutique Manor House hotel and restaurant with a range of activities and experiences on offer.
Friday 25th. Wild Food Foraging Experience 10 – 2.30 pm.
burleighcourtcotswolds.co.uk or telephone 01453 883804.
E-bike in Minchinhampton
The Bike Drop are working together to run three e-bike loan pilot projects across the Stroud district. They are run by local communities in order to help more people decide whether they would like to make the switch from car to e-bike. We are extremely fortunate to have one of these hubs right here in Minchinhampton! You can reserve it using the following linkshttps://transitionstroud.lend-engine.com/
E-bikes come with all safety equipment and transport aids (panniers,baskets etc) as standard, and are available to loan out per day, week or fortnight. We ask community members to reserve e-bikes at rate of £10 /day, £50 / week or £80 / fortnight. You can choose to have this reserve returned once the e-bikes are safely back with us, or donate the balance to help us cover our costs and keep the service running in the future.
Community Litter Pick
A community litter pick is taking place on Saturday 12th October 2024 to mark the launch of Minchinhampton Community Library’s new role as a Litter Champion Hub, the first of its kind in Stroud. The event ties in with Green Libraries week, which runs from 7th to 13th October.All those wishing to join in should meet at Minchinhampton Community Library, School Road, Minchinhampton, GL6 9BP at 10am. From there, we will walk to Minchinhampton Common. The route will be approximately 5km. We will be returning to the library at about 12 noon for refreshments. Litter picking equipment will be provided.If you don’t like litter, and care about keeping the Common clean, then come and join us! You’ll be able to find out more about how a LitterChampion Hub works, and what this means for Minchinhampton and its Community Library. Everyone is welcome! There will be litter and environmental themed children’s books on display, available for loan.
Minchinhampton Flower and Produce Show
The committee of the Gardening Club would like to say a big thank you to all who exhibited, judged, attended, gave plants, cakes and helped at the Flower and Produce Show on 7th September in the School Hall. Although organised by the Gardening Club it is open to all in the area with cups for 10 open awards and 5 for members. All children’s entries receive a rosette. We were delighted to have 320 entries in all the 62 classes, some 50 more entries than last year and particularly pleased with the number of first-time exhibitors who achieved great success.Cup winners:
Show Gardener of the Year Rose Bowl. John Goodwin
The Quick Cup. John Goodwin
Market Stores Challenge Cup. John Goodwin
The Thurston Flower Cup. Penny Smith
Home Produce Cup. Janet Rutherford
The Paul Connock Cup. (Best in Tomatoes). John Goodwin
The Phil Merrett Cup. (Best in Flowers). Katrina Graham
The Eva Bucknell Cup. (Best in Food Classes). Jimmy Clark
Photography Cup. Hilary Kemmett
The John Hutchison Cup. (Best Photograph). Hilary Kemmett
The Ted and Les Alder Memorial Cup. (Children’s Plate Garden) Caitlyn Horner
Julie Cooke Cup. (Best Children’s exhibit) Caitlyn Horner
The Parish Cup. Alison and Jimmy Clark
Murray’s of Minchinhampton Cup. (Minch’ in Bloom, Businesses) Horsfall House Shop
The Grover Cup. (Minchinhampton in Bloom, residents display) 1 Well Hill.
The above were the cup winners but many more exhibitors received prize certificates in the various classes. Photographs from the show can be viewed on Flickr https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBGy
News from Minchinhampton GP Surgery
Thank you for your patience and support with the new Minchinhampton GP Surgery. The builders have made great progress over the summer months and the building is now mostly watertight and starting to take shape. The internal fit out has already started and is going well.
The Practice team have been planning the move from the present site to the new one and how to ensure that there is no disruption to the our patient care over that period. We currently are working towards a December move. As we confirm the building completion date closer to the time, we will share more details with you.
Stroud Talking Newspaper.
This is a service for the blind, reading from the Stroud News and Journal weekly. They are based in The Trap House in Minchinhampton where Technician’s record readings and then put it all onto USB sticks and post to our listeners.
If you would like to listen to our most recent recording to get a flavour of what we do, it is uploaded onto the British Wireless for the Blind website accessed by this link:
http://bit.ly/5VSWeb Link. More volunteers are always needed. Rosemarydanby@gmail.com.
Horsfall House
Horsfall House is celebrating 30 years’ of operation.
It’s hard to believe three decades have passed since they opened their doors, all thanks to the vision of Dr Booth, and the amazing support of the local community. Many of you will remember the early days, when people came together to help fund the building by buying bricks, and that spirit of kindness has stayed with us ever since.
To everyone who has supported us over the years – whether by donating, volunteering, or just being there – we can’t thank you enough. It’s because of you that we’ve been able to provide such exceptional care to so many people.
The Bereavement Journey Course: a place to talk.
Presented jointly by Holy Trinity, Minchinhampton, and Minchinhampton Baptist Church (MBC)Working with grief and the loss of a loved one takes a long time. The Bereavement Journey® is a 7-session programme which assists bereaved people, or those who have experienced similar, to process their loss. Each session begins with light refreshments and the opportunity to get to know other participants. Two informative videos are then used interspersed with discussion in small groups facilitated by trained volunteers.The next Course dates are Thursday 17th October – Thursday 28th November:Course 9: 4.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Course 10: 7.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m.Both will be held at MBC Church Centre, Tetbury Street, Minchinhampton. Registration costs £22 which is a contribution to the cost of the course handbook and refreshments over the seven evenings. (NB: Grants are available where this small charge would be challenging.) Application forms are available at Holy Trinity or the Baptist Church, or may be downloaded fromwww.minchbc.org.uk or by email to courses@minchbc.org.ukCompleted application forms can be scanned and emailed back to courses@minchbc.org.uk or posted to Minchinhampton Baptist Church, Tetbury Street, Minchinhampton, Stroud. Glos. GL6 9JH.
Seated Exercise Class.
Jarla Andersson-Glyden will be back on Tuesday 1st October 2024 at George Pearce House with her Seated Exercise class. These are an enjoyable way to get fit and relax and have a little fun too.
Class day – Tuesday
Seated Exercise – 10.00 – 11.00
10-week courseThe course is free to residents of Minchinhampton and the area that complete an SGS College enrolment form. You can come along to the first session, and should you wish to enrol, please have with you – National Insurance number, contact details , phone and email if you have one and also an emergency contact and their number.
A ChurchesTogether Event at the Market House. 9th October.
Mental Health and My Spirit” – Join guest speaker Clarie Miles, an accredited Cognitive Behaviour Therapist and Mental Health and Wellbeing Co-ordinator for Kintsugi Hope, as she deals with this subject. David Pouncey retired GP, and Jon Taylor, former manager of the community gym in Minchinhampton, will also take part. Admission is free (donations welcome),and refreshments will be available.
Pizza from Jake
Jake will be doing his pop up under the Market House on Thursday 31st October. Again MinchLife is so grateful for all he did for the Street Party.
Forthcoming events for your diaries
Sunday 3.11. A Dragon’s Tale. Theatrix Puppet Theatre at the Market House. 3pm – 5pm.
8.11. Minch Local History Group War Memories.7.30 pm.
9.11. PTA Fireworks and Laser Light show.
9.11. Fundraising discounts with DJ KC. Market House 7.30 pm.
9.11. A Pocket Opera Carmeno. Box Village Hall 7.30 pm
16.11. Stroud Choral Society Concert at Tewkesbury Abbey.
20.11. A trip with Ian Jarvis to Cardiff town centre and Christmas Market.
30.11. Cantores Chamber Choir “From Darkness into Light. – Holy Trinity Church Amberley.
Cotswold Playhouse
Tuesday. 1st – Saturday 5th October at 7.30 pm. £16. Cotswold Players “Consent”
A victim judged. A marriage in crisis.
Heartbreaking, shocking, and at times hilarious, this modern Greek tragedy
puts our legal system under the spotlight as a group of friends deal with the
consequences of their behaviour.
Friday 11th October at 7.30 pm. £15. “Deaths at Sea”.
Death at Sea’, is a thrilling murder mystery set on a small ship carrying just five passengers and its Captain. When one of the passengers, Mr Inus, is found dead, the remaining passengers speculate and turn on each other until the real murderer is caught… But that isn’t how this play goes!
Friday 18th and Saturday 19th October. 7.30 pm and 2.30pm on 19th. £22. Grove Productions.
“The Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”
This new stage adaptation of the Robert Louis Stevenson classic brings to life the story of Gabriel Utterson as he tries to unravel the mystery of his friend Dr Jekyll’s new associate Mr Hyde. Why would Jekyll change his will to leave everything to a man who has “Satan’s signature written upon his face
See next month’s newsletter for the November productions including “Stroud Short Stories on 3rd November – now in its fourteenth year; Faustus – that Damned Woman- 19th – 23rd November; and H.M.S. Pinafore & The Grand Duke – 30th November and 1st December.
For further information of these events and details on how to book, please go to our website https://minchlife.com. Also please remember a list of regular weekly events can be found at the top of the Events’ page – click on a day of the week and you will see what is taking place, where and at what time. For instance, the weekly Community Coffee Morning is held every Monday from 10am to 12 noon at the Cotswold Club, High Street.
Monday 30th September – Sunday 13th October. 9am – 5pm. Experience Harvest at Holy Trinity, Minchinhampton.
Wednesday 2nd October. 2pm – 4pm. Minchinhampton Women’s Institute. “Glorious Coloured Gemstones” – Speaker Helen Plumb. For further information please contact Pam at pam439@btinternet.com.
Wednesday, 2nd October. 6pm – 9pm. Locals night at the Crown. Our ever popular locals night with a fabulous menu from our head chef Luka. 2 courses £20 ; 3 courses £25.
Wednesday, 2nd October. 6pm – 9pm. Wellness Walk, Paint and Sip at the Old Lodge Inn with Cotswold Wellness Hub. Book here https;//bit.ly/4ffXvEB
Thursday 3rd October. 10.30 am – 12pm. Hampton Probus. Glos Vintage Transport. Speaker Kate Peake. Cotswold Club, High Street. For further information contact: webmaster@hamptonprobus.co.uk
Friday 4th October. 6.30pm – 9pm. Box Bar. Box Village Hall.
Saturday 5th October. 10am – 12pm. Coffee morning. Holy Trinity, Minchinhampton.
Sunday 6th October. 8.45 am – 10am. Parish Breakfast at Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton.
Sunday 6th October. 10am – 3pm. “Taste of Home” at Hill House, Amberley. Culinary journeys with refugees. Cooking demonstration and meal. Booking by email sanctuarybreaks@gmail.com
Wednesday 9th October. 7pm – 9.30pm. Mental Health and My Spirit. Minchinhampton Market House. Explore the nature of spirituality and its relevance to our mental health and well being. Admission is free (donations welcome),and refreshments will be available. More information above.
Wednesday 9th October. 7.30pm – 9pm. Royal British Legion AGM, Cotswold Club. It is not a requirement be ex-forces to attend the meeting or to join the Royal British Legion http://www.britishlegion.org.uk
Thursday 10th October 10 am – 12 pm. Minchinhampton Probus – “The Industrial Revolution part 2. 1820 – 1920” Speaker Nigel Thompson. Porch Room, Holy Trinity Church. New members and guests welcome. Contact John Collinson. John.ipp.uk@gmail.com.
Thursday 10th October. 7.30 pm – 9.30pm. Amberley Gardening Club: Garden Ponds.Speaker Diana White. Amberley Parish Rooms. For further details about joining Amberley Gardening club please contact Christopher Bailey at christo.p.bailey@outlook.com.
Friday 11th October – Sunday 13th October. 9.30 am – 7pm. Box Art Group Annual Exhibition. Box Village Hall.
Friday 11th October. 6.30pm – 8.30 pm. Bingo Night in support of Horsfall House. Tickets £15 per person. Book online or ring 01453 731227.
Friday 11th October. 7.30pm – 9.30pm. Minchinhampton Local History Group – Murder at the Red Door (a Stroud Murder). Market House. Doors open 7pm. Tickets from Market Stores (cash) £6 or on the door.
Saturday 12th October. 8.30 am – 3pm. Autumn Fair at Beaudesert Park School. In aid of Gloucestershire Carers. Entry £3.50 for adults.
Saturday 12th October. 10am – 12 pm. Community Litter Pick.All those wishing to join in should meet at Minchinhampton Community Library, School Road, Minchinhampton, GL6 9BP at 10am. From there, we will walk to Minchinhampton Common. The route will be approximately 5km. We will be returning to the library at about 12 noon for refreshments. Litter picking equipment will be provided.
Saturday 12th October. 7.30pm – 10.30pm. “Swing from Paris 2024”. Minchinhampton Market House. Tickets £15.00 online https://minchinhamptonmarkethouse.co.uk/swing-from-paris-2024 or from M & B Stores.
Monday 14th October. 10am – 12pm. Poems in the Porch Room. All welcome particularly people with memory problems.For more information please phone Jo Smith 01453 834714.
Monday 14th October. 7pm – 9pm. Minchinhampton Parish Council Meeting. The Baptist Church, Tetbury’s Street. Members of the public wishing to join the meeting should email the clerk to confirm details.Email: clerk@minchinhampton-pc.gov.uk
Tuesday 15th October. 2.30 pm – 4pm. Cotteswold Naturalists “The History of Rodborough Common”. Speaker Sharon Gardham. Box Village Hall. Contribution of £2 from members and £5 from visitors.
Tuesday 15th October 7pm – 9.30pm. Minch Book Club. The Crown Inn. Contact Rachel Montgomery at rachel@monty.one or 07715 303707.
Tuesday 15th October. 7.30pm – 9.30pm. Box Gardening Club: “Innovation and Automation. How your garden house plants are produced in the 21st Century.” Speaker Ian Sadler. Email boxgarden@box-village.com
Wednesday 16th October. 10.30am – 12 pm. Social Book Club. Minch Community Library. This month’s topic will be Travel.
Thursday 17th October. 10.30 am – 12pm. Hampton Probus: 1st Duke of Devonshire. Speaker Dr Gill White. Cotswold Club. For further information contact: webmaster@hamptonprobus.co.uk.
Thursday 17th October. 12pm – 3.30pm. MLLC. Speaker Colonel Justin Hodges CEngFIET – Satallites, Swords and Soldering. The Old Lodge. Contact Biddy Hadfield before attending the lunch. bthadfield@btinternet.com
Thursday 17th October. 7pm – 9pm. End of Life Planning Evening with Revd Tracey Clements and Jane Diamond of Family Tree Funeral Company. Tc2152@outlook.com
Friday 18th October. 12pm – 2.30 pm. Friday Lunch. Porch Room, Holy Trinity Church. Sign up sheet at the back of the Church. For further info contact Linda or Stephen Jarvis 884545.
Friday 18th October. 5.30pm – 11.00pm. Trip to Malvern Theatre to see Dr. Adam Kay Undoctored with Ian Jarvis. More information from
Friday 18th October. 6.30pm – 9pm. Box Bar. Box Village Hall.
Saturday 19th October. 10am – 2pm. Churchyard Clearing at Holy Trinity, Minchinhamton. Refreshments provided about 11.30 am. More information Angie Ayling 01453 883090.
Saturday 19th October. 7pm – 10pm. Quiz Night. Holy Trinity Church. £10 pp to include supper. Tickets available from Market Stores.
Saturday 19th October. 7.30pm – 10pm. “Does he really do more of that”. Philip Douch reads stories. Tickets £12 online at minchinhamptonmarkethouse.co.uk or from Market Stores.
Monday 21st October. 7pm – 9pm. Minchinhampton Parish Council Finance meeting. Members of the public wishing to join the meeting should email clerk@minchinhampton-pc.gov.uk.
Monday 21st October. 7.30 pm – 9.30 pm. Minchinhampton Gardening Club: Why Trees are better than people. Minchinhampton School.. For more info email johnfivash@btinternet.com. 01453 764956.
Thursday 24th October. 10am – 12pm. Minchinhampton Probus – Flanders and Swann Tribute Duo – Oliver Williams and Mitchell. Porch Room Minchinhampton Church. Contact John Collinson john.ipp.uk@gmail.com.
Thursday 24th October. 9.30 am – 11am. Stroud Businesswomen’s Network Meeting. Minchinhampton Golf Club. More information 01453 833866.
Friday 25th October. 10 am – 4.30 pm. Digi Champion – Personalised 1-2-1 Digital Support. Minchinhampton Community Library. Please call into the library during opening hours or email secretary@mclt.org.uk.
Friday 25th October. 7.30pm – 10.30pm. Johnny Coppin and Paul Burgess Folk Concert. Minchinhampton Market House. Tickets are £16 on line https://minchinhamptonmarkethouse.co.uk/johnny-coppin-and-paul-burgess-folk-concert or from Market Stores.
Saturday 26th October. 5pm – 11pm Halloween Celebration. Voltaires Wood, Minchinhampton. Tickets £25 an adult. £12.50 under 18s. This event is for ages 5+. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/halloween-celebration-tickets-863818222557. More info www.oakandashandthorn.com.
Sunday 27th October. 10.30 am – 1pm. MinchLife Walking and Wildlife Group, More information karencolebourn@gmail.com.
Monday 28th October. 7pm – 9.30 pm. Minchinhampton Parish Council Full Council Meeting. Minchinhampton Baptist Church. Members of the public wishing to join the meeting should email the clerk to confirm details. Email: clerk@minchinhampton-pc.gov.uk.
Wednesday 30th October. 3pm – 4pm. Half Term fun for the kids at the Crown. £15 per child. Booking essential. 01453 608010.
Thursday 31st October. 2pm – 4pm. Half Term Holiday Craft Session. Minchinhampton Community Library. Activities suitable for 3 years+. Free – just drop in.
Thursday 31st October. 7.30 pm – 11pm. The Crown Quiz. Quiz is £2 per person. All entry money for quiz will be donated to Timothy Syndrome Alliance. 01453 608010
Thursday 31st October. 6pm – 9pm. Pop up Woodfired Pizza from Jake. Bookings in advance would be useful (but not essential) – please contact:Mail – hello@midnightpizza.co.ukPhone – 07800 742798
As always, please do get in touch if you would like us to add anything to our newsletters of if you see any omissions or alterations. If you know of any newcomers to the town, please do tell them about MinchLife and this newsletter.
Anne and Janet
I was looking for the Minch newsletter that used to be called “TOM LONG’S POST” – does it still exist? I was hoping to place a regular advert if it does. Does your newsletter exist in physical form? Or only online? Does it carry adverts?
I’d be so grateful for any help you can give me.
Kind regards,
Claire Audritt
01453 834153
Hello Claire
Tom Long’s Post used to be produced by the Parish Council, but it has not been produced for some time. Our newsletter is only online, but a hard copy can be found in a few locations such as the library, Henrys, The Crown, the Cotswold Club etc. We do not include adverts.
However, you could post an entry yourself on MinchLife Facebook page.
If your business is local you could also post an entry on this website, in the Directory.
If you require any further help please email info@minchlife.com