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Minchinhampton Players perform Habeas Corpus at the Market House

Last weekend Minchinhampton Players performed Alan Bennett’s Habeas Corpus.   It was sold out for all four performances.  There are photographs in the Parish magazine for all to see.

The Dalton Globe – Press Night Review – National Theatre reports on 23rd November, 2018 – “ The play was written in the 70’s and is a delightfully funny sexual romp, probably a little too strong for PC taste today, but greatly appreciated by the liberal community of Minchinhampton, who are abreast with cultural attitudes of the 70’s.  They have certainly taken the local company to their bosoms.

There were many outstanding performances in the first night event.  The humour was perfectly drawn out by the cast with slapstick dominating the evening.  All the elements of a Whitehall farce were diligently observed.”

The cast were:

Arthur Wickteed.           Terry Robinson

Muriel Wicksteed.           Helen Winchester

Dennis Wicksteed.          Jonathan Golding

Constance Wicksteed.    Ali Richards

Mrs. Swab.                       Brough Girling

Canon Throbbing.             Steve Winchester

Lady Rumpers.                   Sarah Warman

Felicity.                                 Scarlet Page

Mr. Shanks.                         Tony Cooper

Sir Percy Shorter.                 John Mounsey

Mr. Purdue.                           Anne Price

The Director and producer was Jan Vigar. Stage Manager Ruth Keelhaulers and Set Construction Richard Leech and Brough GARLING.