Hello everyone
We have not been in touch for some time, due to the fact that there has not really been any news to report. However, now it has been over a month since the start of the lockdown, various happenings are popping up in unexpected quarters – and we have a few things going on in Minchinhampton! Again, rather than listing all the local businesses that are open – we are giving you access to the chart that we have prepared, which we are regularly changing as the situation arises. You can view this chart here. From your feedback to us, it appears that the information we have been sending out is appreciated, and we have the following messages to send to you. Minchinhampton Corinovirus Response Group What’s Going on? Dazzle Workshops, based in Minchinhampton is offering FREE on-line and downloadable resources for children during their time at home. Dazzle is also running a ‘Story in a Jar competition. Minchinhampton Folk Club is considering setting up something virtual. They are testing-the-water initially to find out how many Minchies are interested in doing the same sort of thing under the umbrella of MFC, and on what terms. A few of the folk club members have been using Zoom to sing and chat to each other for an hour or so on a Thursday evening, to see how it works. It’s a long way from perfect, thanks to uncertain internet speeds and connections etc, but for many people (particularly those who are isolating alone) it may be a lot better than nothing, and it could help to keep the club in touch. Please email chris@chrisnewton.co.uk if you’re interested. You’ll need a reasonable internet connection and a device with a camera which can use Zoom (a laptop, iPad or even a mobile) – that’s all. You could contribute anything you like, or just listen in (and watch). No money is involved, because if they go ahead the club will pay for the necessary software. Zoom will allow up to 100 participants, so numbers shouldn’t be a problem, but they haven’t tried it with more than nine yet so these are somewhat uncharted waters. Cotswold Club Virtual Quiz: The Cotswold Club are holding a regular Friday night virtual quiz at 7:55 pm. If you require further details on this, please look at their facebook page: Horsfall House – 2.6 Challenge! If you look at Minchinhampton Life website, here, you will see a picture of Bob, a 14 year old Border-Yorkie who is raising money in the 2.6 Challenge to save our charities. He would normally be a regular visitor to ’Grandad Vic’ at Horsfall House. Bob is well known in Nailsworth as the ‘dog in the sack’ as his arthritis limits him to a slow sniffing pace. Bob’s challenge started on 26th April and every day this week: ‘Walk’ 2.6 miles in his sack, then eat 2.6 gravy bones whilst his owner attempts a 2.6 min Pilates Downward Dog! Please donate what you can afford to support Horsfall House, Visit http://www.horsfallhouse.co.uk to make a donation. M & B Stores The Chip Shed The Kitchen Taylors, the Butchers Henry’s Henrys will shortly be online – any day now! Their entire range will soon feature on their new website including prices, the ability to order and allocate to your time slot and pictorial updates of the farm and shop. The website will feature weekly special items as well as all of the everyday items from their range. Other than that, they have a lot more fresh organic eggs in stock, are offering takeaway coffee with no time slot needed – just queue. Also, free no-queue coffee for NHS employees…. Just catch their eye and let them know that you are NHS! Trish Tucker May: has alerted us to the fact that she is providing online and telephone consultations. Please see her website for further information https://www.trishtuckermay.com/ Message from Parish Council The Parish Council has also provided us with a link to a Covid-19 Community Information pack produced by Stroud District Council that contains help and advice for communities during the current pandemic. Please email admin@minchinhampton.life with any news you would like included in the newsletter – this will also appear on the Facebook page. Finally, look after yourselves and your families. |