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Meeting of Minchinhampton Fayre Committee

A brief resume about the meeting of the Minchinhampton Country Fayre Committee on 15th January, 2019.

The Committee consists of  Colette Ballinger, Peta Bunbury, Sally Byng, Karen Colebourn, Leigh Elliot, Jo Fincher, Adrian Herbert, Anne and Nigel Parry and Simon Witney.   Gwenneth Vardy was unable to attend.

Raffle – Leigh has taken on responsibility for finding prizes.

Finance – Adrian is to circulate the accounts for the last Fayre.  It was agreed in future we would retain approx £3000 in the bank in order to finance setting up costs of future fayres.  Anne would like us to seek sponsorship  for the website at the same time as we seek help for the 2019 Country Fayre.  We will offer acknowledgment on the website, on the Fayre plan and in the press in return for contributions towards the expenses.  In the past money has been raised by fundraising events – this year there is only one – an Irish band evening Mo, Mac, ‘n Me on 16th March. Jo offered to approach a few businesses and people she knew well and Anne will approach others. Karen is away but will assist on her return.

We discussed Logistics and Hardware and we still  need to talk about erection and dismantling of stalls and marquees.  Anne to contact Nailsworth Markets and Mike Waring at the Cricket Club about their stalls and Adrian to look at Cotswold Stalls (?) – we used them before.

Nigel agreed to liaise with the National Trust and Commoners about the use of the Park. Other issues to be discussed – road closure and alcohol licence.

Publicity/Marketing.  Simon will co-ordinate, in liaison with Cherry and Katie Jarvis.

Minchinhampton charities and local charities will be invited to run their own events and take the profit. There will be no charge for stalls or space.  The School and Church have already offered a programme of events.  

The Church hope to have a variety of activities in the Church. This would include the provision of snack lunches and afternoon teas in the Porch room. In the Church the Flower Guild are considering  a wedding dress exhibition illustrated with photos, histories and needless to say flowers. The exhibition would be over two or three days ending after the thanksgiving evening service which has traditionally ended the Fayre on the Sunday. There has been talk of Organ recitals at certain points in the day on the Saturday. There may be other ideas.

The School have suggested Sumo wrestling, animals, archery (needs to be discussed with Scouts), Coconut shire, Football goal competition, Sweetie shop, put your face in a frame and throw sponges at it; Bouncy Castle, A game where there are doughnuts on a string and you have to eat them with your hands. There may be more.

The Gardening Club will do their traditional event in the School with refreshments, produce show and competition et al which always attracts all ages.

Signage: To be discussed.

Entertainment. There will be a stage and  sound system at the War Memorial – to be arranged.  Anne and Simon are working on entertainers to provide a full co-ordinated programme of activities. Colette said the scouts may be able to provide an archery event and barbecue. Peta is liaising with the schools about the pageant which will start at noon. She will organise the car show.

Phil McCormick has offered to organise the evening entertainment. Colette to ask him to consider providing opportunities for local young musicians.  It was agreed that a participatory dog event would be a good addition but we need someone to organise it.

The funfair will attend (and could bring a climbing wall, Naomi) but school access could now be a problem.

Food and Drink – Nigel offered to approach Lucky Onion group about the Crown, both for sponsorship and drink outside the building. All agreed we would also need a separate beer tent to raise money for the Fayre  – Vincenzo has offered to run this with advice from the Knott’s who have so kindly done it for years.  Gwenneth Vardy has agreed to co-ordinate all the food and drink outlets. 

Stall holders. It was agreed to charge commercial stall holders £40.  Sally will organise craft stalls. Colette to organise charity stalls.

Layout to be discussed.

Date of next Meeting 5th February.