Plans for the bi-annual Minchinhampton Country Fayre are well under way – though it hasn’t been held for the last five years. Please mark the date – 14th September 2019. It will start with a pageant through the town involving all the school children and there will be a great deal of entertainment – vintage cars; a well known band The Hot Potato Syncopators; Joe May from Passion4 laughter who does street entertainment and walks on stilts; a circus skills’ workshop; a dog show; a funfair; dance shows; choirs; Punch and Judy; gliding simulator; a golf event; face painting and so much more. Holy Trinity Church has great plans for a wedding show and flower display and the Gardening Club will be holding their popular show in the School. There will be plenty of food and drinks available, including a hog roast. We plan to have forty or so stalls and would welcome any suggestions of people who might be interested in having a space on the day.
As usual here is a list of events taking place in the Minchinhampton area for the next month. For more information and detail please look at the website
Wednesday, 8th May 2019. 7.30 pm – 9 pm. Indian Food Demonstration – Keralan Fish. Box Village Hall. £20 per head. Demonstration followed by a delicious meal.
Friday, 10th May 2019. 7.30 pm – 10 pm. Piano and cello recital “The art of Transcription”. Beaudesert Park School. £8.45 (free for under 16s).
Saturday, 11th May 2019. 7.30 pm – 10 pm. Stroud Hospitals League of Friends Quiz. Cotswold Club, High St. Teams up to six. Price £2.00 per person.
Sunday, 12th May 2019. The Stroud Trail Marathons. Starting from Stroud Town Centre – a challenging mixture of local trails crossing Minchinhampton Common.
Sunday, 12th May 2019. All day. Cogfest and Cycle Spectacular. Minchinhampton School. Cycle event for everyone, rides for all the family and an Events’ village on site. Proceeds to Minchinhampton School PTA.
Sunday, 12th May 2019. 10 am – 5.00 pm. Horsfall House Walk in aid of free Respite care. Via Gatcombe Wood and Avening Court. Start at Minchinhampton Community Library.
Sunday, 12th May 2019. 10 am – 3 pm. National Trust Marking Day. The Common, Minchinhampton. Great event at the Old Lodge for adults and children alike to learn about the ecological reasons behind this historic tradition and to support the National Trust.
Sunday, 12th May 2019. 10 am – 11 am. Sunday School at Holy Trinity Church. Starting on 12th May. Every Sunday except the first Sunday of the month.
Sunday, 12th May 2019. 11 am. Artists’ Open Studio at Morven, St. Chloe. Alison Vickery and Galina Gardiner are displaying their latest works.
Monday, 13th May 2019. 7 pm – 9 pm. Annual Parish Assembly – The Hub. (Yearly chance for residents to hear news of the council’s progress during the past 12 months, to ask questions and make comments.)
Tuesday, 14th May 2019. 2 pm – 5 pm. NSPCC Antiques and Tea with Philip Taubenheim. Box Village Hall. Tickets £10 to include afternoon tea. Do bring one antique item per person.
Tuesday, 14th May, 2019. 7.00 pm – 8.30 pm. Minchinhampton Patient Participation Group AGM. Horsfall House. Speaker: Dr. David Pouncey on Minchinhampton Surgery – Past, Present and Future. Free.
Thursday, 16th May 2019. 7.30 pm – 9.30 pm. Stuart Singers’ Open Rehearsal. Minchinhampton School. The Junior Choir will be giving a short performance. Find out what it is like to sing with the Stuart Singers. Light refreshments. No charge for entry.
Friday, 17th May 2019. Pre-show drinks 6.30 pm, main feature 7.15 pm. Movie Night – The Favourite. Minchinhampton Market House. Tickets £6 from the Market Stores.
Friday, 17th May 2019. 8.30 pm – 11.00 pm. Boogie Bop Boys – Cotswold Club. Rock and Roll from the 50s. Big hits from the 60s. All guests to be signed in by members.
Saturday/Sunday, 18th/19th May 2019. 10 am – 4 pm. Contemporary Designer Makers’ Exhibition. Market House.
Saturday, 18th May 2019. 7.30 pm – 10 pm. A Taste of the Orient. 2 course set meal (bring your own wine) from Cuisine Lapage in Well Hill. Booking essential. £25 to include an aperitif.
Saturday, 18th May 2019. 10 am – 2 pm. Grand Bring and Buy Sale at Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton. Bric a brac, books, ornaments etc. No clothing, damaged or broken items. Delicious teas available. In aid of Minchinhampton Parish Church 6Ps Appeal.
Monday, 20th May 2019. 7.30 pm – 9 pm. Minchinhampton Gardening Club – Making the Garden more Manageable. Minchinhampton School.
Monday, 20th May 2019. 7 pm – 9 pm. Annual Parish Council and Full Council with Planning Meeting. The Trap House, Minchinhampton.
Tuesday, 21st May 2019. Day out with Ian Jarvis — Baddesley Clinton, Warwickshire. National Trust Property.
Tuesday, 21st May 2019. 2.15 pm – 4 pm. Cotteswold Naturalists Field Club – Claverton Pumping Station. The Hub Minchinhampton. Talk by George Eycott.
Tuesday, 21st May 2019. 8 pm. – 9 pm. Local History Group – The Ricardo family and Minchinhampton. The Hub. Illustrated talk by Diana Wall.
Thursday, 23rd May 2019. Referendum – Minchinhampton Neighbourhood Plan. The Plan and specified documents can be inspected on the Parish Council website and also at SDC reception, Minchinhampton Parish Council offices and at Minchinhampton Community Library. This is the crucial vote for the NDP, after more than two years of hard work by local volunteers, with the support of the Parish Council. Please participate.
Sunday, 26th May 2019. 10.30 am – 1 pm. Minchinhampton Walking and Wildlife Group – Finding sky lark nests on the common. Reservoir car park.
Friday, 7th June 2019. 6 pm – 7.30 pm. Reception to recognise the work and retirement of Dr. David Pounsey. Horsfall House, Windmill Road. RSVP
Saturday/Sunday, 8th/9th June, 2019. Dru Yoga workshop. Box Village Hall.