An update on events from Horsfall House:
This last period has seen frenetic activity in ensuring adequate supplies of PPE both for the residential home as well as our care teams out in the field. I am pleased to report that through the sheer hard work of our staff we have sufficient stock to see us through most situations until the end of next week. The process of getting PPE has been full of flux but it does seem that Gloucestershire County Council are finally getting to grips with the logistics. This situation could quickly change pending announcements on the use of face masks which isbound to have an impact. Whatever decision is reached it is essential that the people who have access to PPE are those who really need it and not those who just want it.
Whilst PPE, for the time being is in hand Testing is and remains critical, it is clear that Horsfall House will not be able to operate normally until we are able to test, regularly, repeatedly, and locally. We are keen to open our doors again to new residents, but I am sure all will understand that we must maintain our barriers against the Coronavirus.
Charities are at the forefront this week and thanks go to Duncan Wood and the Fund Raising Team for their continued work in supporting Horsfall House. Duncan is raising money as part of the 2.6 Challenge to save our charities. More details can be found at the bottom of the home page on our website or you could go straight to this link. Thank you to all for your support.
Yet again this week we have been blessed by kindness in the community and it is difficult to say thank you everyone on this page. I would though like to mention Paula from Forest Green Rovers who has delivered 5ltr bottles of hand sanitiser as sadly they are furloughed and unable to use.
Jayne Hancock has produced a wonderful banner that is now greeting our staff as they arrive for work in the main entrance. The banner, I think sums up what everyone is thinking, and it can be said no better; it reads.
Christopher Fisher
Chair of the Management Board
Minchinhampton Centre For the Elderly