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Patient Participant Group (of Minchinhampton surgery) - Directory

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Patient Participant Group (of Minchinhampton surgery)

The Surgery Bell Lane Minchinhampton Phone: 01453 887314 Website: Minch Surgery
Photo of Patient Participant Group (of Minchinhampton surgery)

Biographical Info

Minchinhampton Surgery was one of the first in the country to start its own Patient Group. The group has been running for over 20 years. It aims to involve the patients, staff and doctors in improving the services on offer, improving communication and promoting health, rather than treating sickness.

Every patient is automatically a member and we do need your active assistance to continue the success. There is a notice board in the surgery entrance, or you can ask any member of staff for details.

The PPG Transport service provides patient transport to local hospitals by volunteer drivers. Patients are charged 50p a mile for petrol plus any hospital parking charges. Patients must be competent to get themselves ready for transport and out to the car.

Categories: Clubs and Groups, Community, Health and Well being, Medical Services