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Minchinhampton Tennis Club
Biographical Info
Minchinhampton Tennis Club is a thriving club for all standards of Adults and Juniors located at the far side of Stuart Playing Fields on the outskirts of Minchinhampton in the Cotswolds.
We are an LTA affiliated and Tennismark accredited venue, run by and for our members, providing social and competitive tennis to players of all ages and abilities, with a range of membership packages available.
50 years of Minchinhampton Tennis Club, 1969-2019: In the late sixties as Minchinhampton began to expand, a group of young tennis enthusiasts decided to pay a small fee each time they played as a four on a local private court, to raise money towards funding new courts. They also arranged a weekly ‘Club Night’ at Stratford Park. In 1969, Minchinhampton Tennis Club was officially formed with Tim Mugford as chairman, although there were as yet no courts. The gift by Miss Enid Stuart of the Stuart Playing Fields provided a venue for the proposed courts. MSA Chairman, Malcolm Macbean, gave impetus to the project and further funds were raised via local and national sources and an LTA loan. Courts were opened with an American tournament in October 1972. Since then the club has gone from strength to strength, with four mens’ teams, three ladies’ teams, and nine junior teams entered into the Gloucestershire league this year, and courts due to be re-surfaced with the latest artificial clay in August. If you are interested in joining, please contact membership secretary Cris Fagarasan on 07970 006596, email:
The photo is of the Men’s Finalists in 2019. Finn McCarthy (runner up) on left and Pat Humphries (winner) on the right.