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Minchinhampton Church of England Primary Academy
Minchinhampton Church of England Primary Academy Contact: Nick Moss – HeadteacherBiographical Info
Choosing a school for your child, like so many major decisions in life, is far from easy. You will be influenced by a whole array of factors – the quality of accommodation, the standards achieved by the children, the resources available for your children, the extra curricular activities available and the school’s reputation. We want our pupils to enjoy their education; to be inspired by the curriculum and by teaching of the highest quality. We want them to feel successful; to discover and develop their various talents and the skills necessary to reach their own unique potential.
We look to create an environment that is happy, secure environment so as to gain maximum benefits from our creative curriculum; for example, through maintaining class vegetable patches and developing wildlife areas. There is an atmosphere of fun and happiness at this school that is evident from the moment you walk in. Our pupils are courteous and caring towards each other and motivated to learn. During their time here they grow into confident, well-rounded individuals. Behind them are a strong and committed staff, supportive parents and community.
I love working in this school. Something really quite special exists in the ether in and around this village and the school can’t help but be swept up in it. We are all passionate about learning, strongly committed to the school’s vision and the place is run through with positivity, creativity and kindness.
“I think Minch is different because we are all so close as a community”
(Year 6 Leaver)
Our pupils bring as much to this equation as the adults. I think they are remarkable and deserve the best and I am proud that during their time here, they grow into confident, well-rounded individuals.
“I enjoy being in my class because I like to learn in a happy environment”
(Year 3 Student)
We believe education should be about self-empowerment for people, self-empowerment now and for a lifetime. As an institution, we would define a school’s excellence as much by its fierce determination to keep trying as by its humble acceptance that it is not there yet; as much by its individuality as by its commitment to all the individuals within it.
N. Moss